Sentinel Fridmar - Drop Tables
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
7217_An_Icewell_Sentinel_Wear STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Royal Velium Frosted Helmet
3.5 1
Royal Velium Frosted Plate
3.5 1
Royal Velium Frosted Vambraces
3.5 1
Royal Velium Frosted Bracer
3.5 1
Royal Velium Frosted Gauntlets
3.5 1
Royal Velium Frosted Greaves
3.75 1
Royal Velium Frosted Boots
3.75 1
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
131186_an_Icewell_Sentinel_MAGELO-GEN STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 378
0.493 2
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 400
1.478 2
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 415
0.493 2
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 449
0.493 2
Rune of Concussion
0.985 2
Rune of Rathe
1.97 2
Rune of Ap`Sagor
0.493 2
Rune of Frost
1.97 2
Rune of the Astral
1.478 2
Rune of Impetus
0.985 2
Rune of Crippling
1.478 2
Tears of Prexus
0.985 2
Words of Bondage
1.478 2
Breath of Ro
0.493 2
Wing of Xegony
0.985 2
Words of Requisition
1.97 2
Words of Acquisition (Beza)
1.97 2
Words of Grappling
0.493 2
Words of Odus
0.493 2
Words of the Ethereal
1.478 2
Words of Crippling Force
1.97 2
Spell: Translocate: Group
0.493 1
Velium Short Sword
1.97 1
Velium Scimitar
1.478 1
Velium Warhammer
0.985 1
Velium Morning Star
0.985 1
Velium Great Staff
1.478 1
Velium Spear
1.478 1
Velium Rapier
1.97 1
Spell: Monster Summoning II
1.478 1
Spell: Improved Invisibility
1.97 1
Spell: Improved Invis vs Undead
1.97 1
Spell: Great Divide Portal
1.97 2
Spell: Improved Superior Camouflage
0.493 1
Spell: Circle of Great Divide
0.493 2
Spell: Call of Earth
0.985 1
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
131187_an_Icewell_Sentinel_MAGELO-GEN STANDARD 1 0 2 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Spell: Sha's Lethargy
3.941 1
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 379
2.956 2
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 401
2.463 2
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 416
2.463 2
Velium Long Sword
2.463 1
Velium Two Handed Sword
2.463 1
Velium Dagger
2.463 1
Spell: Translocate
2.463 1
Spell: Spirit Quickening
2.956 1
Song: Melody of Ervaj
2.956 1
Spell: Flame of Light
3.448 1
Spell: Shroud of Pain
2.463 1
Sunshard Pebble
5.419 2
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
131188_an_Icewell_Sentinel_MAGELO-GEN STANDARD 1 1 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Velium Battle Axe
90.148 1
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
131189_an_Icewell_Sentinel_MAGELO-GEN STANDARD 1 1 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Velium Round Shield
100 1
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022