Harla Dar - Drop Tables
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
2797_Harla_Dar_Wear STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Dragonhide Belt
3.25 1
First Brood Talisman
1 1
Worked Dragonhide Belt
20 1
Reinforced Dragonhide Belt
10 1
Heavy Dragonhide Belt
3 1
Peerless Dragonhide Belt
3 1
Matchless Dragonhide Belt
3 1
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
2797_Harla_Dar_Spell STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Spell: Mark of the Predator
0.4 1
Spell: Aegis of Ro
0.4 1
Spell: Aegis
0.4 1
Spell: Word of Redemption
0.4 1
Spell: Pox of Bertoxxulous
0.4 1
Spell: Voice of the Berserker
0.5 1
Spell: Avatar
0.5 1
Spell: Torpor
0.5 1
Spell: Enslave Death
0.5 1
Spell: Demi Lich
0.5 1
Spell: Gift of Brilliance
0.5 1
Spell: Arch Lich
0.5 1
Spell: Ice Spear of Solist
0.5 1
Spell: Focus of Spirit
0.5 1
Spell: Protection of the Glades
0.5 1
Spell: Aegolism
0.5 1
Song: Occlusion of Sound
0.5 1
Spell: Divine Strength
0.5 1
Spell: Shroud of Death
0.5 1
Spell: Death Peace
0.5 1
Spell: Call of the Predator
0.5 1
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
2797_Harla_Dar_Quest STANDARD 1 1 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
First Half of Al`Tarlkal's Tome
100 1
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
2791_Harla_Dar_ STANDARD 1 1 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Harla Dar's Talisman
100 1
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022