Prince Selrach Di`zok - Drop Tables
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
1038_Prince_Selrach_Di`Zok_Wear STANDARD 1 1 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Incarnadine Boots
34 1
Palladium Axe
33 1
Di'zok Imperial Katana
33 1
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
1038_Prince_Selrach_Di`Zok_Spell STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Spell: Aegis of Ro
0.6 3
Spell: Banishment of Shadows
0.6 3
Spell: Word of Redemption
0.6 3
Spell: Divine Intervention
0.6 3
Spell: Form of the Hunter
0.6 3
Spell: Mask of the Hunter
0.6 3
Spell: Banishment
0.6 3
Spell: Entrapping Roots
0.6 3
Spell: Malo
0.6 3
Spell: Avatar
0.6 3
Spell: Torpor
0.5 3
Spell: Enslave Death
0.5 3
Spell: Demi Lich
0.5 3
Spell: Greater Vocaration: Water
0.5 3
Spell: Dictate
0.5 3
Spell: Visions of Grandeur
0.5 3
Spell: Mala
0.5 3
Spell: Trucidation
0.5 3
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
1038_Prince_Selrach_Di`Zok_Trade STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Words of Bondage
18.15 2
Sarnak Blood
18.7 2
Words of Comprehension
18.15 2
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
1038_Prince_Selrach_Di`Zok_Misc STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Korucust's report on Vrasyk
35 1
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
Prince_Selrach_Di`zok_quest STANDARD 1 1 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Head of a Prince
100 1
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
123752_Prince_Selrach_Di`zok_MAGELO-GEN STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Spell: Sha's Ferocity
1.961 1
Spell: Spirit of the Storm
0.98 1
Spell: Wake of Tranquility
0.98 1
Spell: Fortitude
1.961 1
Spell: Mark of Karn
0.98 1
Spell: Blizzard
0.98 1
Spell: Form of the Howler
0.98 1
Spell: Regrowth of the Grove
1.961 1
Spell: Bane of Nife
0.98 1
Spell: Talisman of the Cat
0.98 1
Spell: Talisman of the Rhino
0.98 1
Spell: Chill Bones
0.98 1
Spell: Conjure Corpse
0.98 1
Spell: Quivering Veil of Xarn
0.98 1
Spell: Plainsight
0.98 1
Spell: Markar`s Discord
0.98 1
Spell: Tears of Prexus
1.961 1
Spell: Velocity
1.961 1
Spell: Bandoleer of Luclin
0.98 1
Spell: Scars of Sigil
0.98 1
Spell: Summon: Muzzle of Mardu
0.98 1
Spell: Greater Vocaration: Fire
0.98 1
Spell: Eye of Tallon
0.98 1
Spell: Wake of Karana
1.961 1
Spell: Manasink
0.98 1
Spell: Rage of Zomm
0.98 1
Spell: Bonds of Tunare
0.98 1
Spell: Naltron's Mark
0.98 1
Ductile Loam
0.98 2
Bonded Loam
1.961 2
Fused Loam
0.98 2
Saturated Marrow
0.98 2
Uncut Black Sapphire
0.98 2
Uncut Goshenite
0.98 2
Raw Crimson Nihilite
0.98 2
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
123753_Prince_Selrach_Di`zok_MAGELO-GEN STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Korucust's report to the Di'zok
24.51 1
Spell: Enforced Reverence
2.941 1
Spell: Vocarate: Water
6.863 1
Spell: Enlightenment
2.941 1
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022