Combine Pilum - Dropped By
NPC Level Chance
#Actuarii Buccarn
45 100
#Actuarii Panus
45 100
#Arx Guardian Brightway
45 80
#Arx Guardian Brightway
48 80
#Arx Guardian McHaer
55 100
#Arx Guardian McMurto
55 100
#Arx Guardian Truefoot
47 85.71
#Arx Guardian Truefoot
48 85.71
#Castrorum Braku
45 100
#Castrorum Kenet
45 94.44
#Castrorum Kutika
45 90.91
#Castrorum Plita
45 93.75
#Castrorum Sifu
45 104.76
#Castrorum Tenak
45 100
#Castrorum Urka
45 100
#Castrorum Wunar
45 94.12
#Castrorum Zifala
45 94.12
#Cornicularii Tista
50 60
#Cornicularii Tistani
50 100
#Cornicularii Zigta
50 66.67
#Praetorian Maklos
55 90.91
#Praetorian Mere
55 100
#Vigilum Cosaki
45 100
#Vigilum Ealna
45 90
#Vigilum Greel
45 95.83
#Vigilum Mornus
45 96.55
#Vigilum Nuno
45 85.71
#Vigilum Pola
45 100
#Vigilum Ripka
45 100
#Vigilum Uresko
45 86.49
#Vigilum Vonari
45 93.1
#Vigilum Warsala
45 92.31
#Vigulum Pola
45 114.29
A Castrorum of the Heart
50 100
A Castrorum of the Heart
46 100
A Castrorum of the Heart
47 100
A Castrorum of the Heart
49 100
A Hand of Seru
29 8.25
A Hand of Seru
31 8.25
A Hand of Seru
27 8.25
A Hand of Seru
30 8.25
A Hand of Seru
29 8.25
A Hand of Seru
31 8.25
a Hand of Seru
27 8.25
a Hand of Seru
30 8.25
A Hand of Seru
31 8.25
A Hand of Seru
27 8.25
a Hand of Seru
30 8.25
A Hand of Seru
28 8.25
a Hand of Seru
28 8.25
a Hand of Seru
29 8.25
A Hand of Seru
28 8.25
A Protector of the Heart
49 12.5
A Protector of the Heart
48 12.5
A Protector of the Heart
50 12.5
A Protector of the Heart
47 12.5
A Protector of the Heart
46 12.5
a Quaestor Guard
51 17.63
A Quaestor Guard
51 17.63
A Quaestor Guard
50 17.63
A Quaestor Guard
49 17.63
a Quaestor Guard
50 17.63
a Quaestor Guard
52 17.63
a Quaestor Guard
49 17.63
a Quaestor Guard
49 17.63
a Quaestor Guard
52 17.63
A Recuso
22 5
A Recuso
21 5
A Recuso
20 5
A Recuso
17 5
A Recuso
21 5
A Recuso
21 5
A Recuso
20 5
A Recuso
24 5
A Recuso
18 5
A Recuso
23 5
A Recuso
19 5
A Recuso
29 5
A Recuso Hunter
23 8.25
A Recuso Hunter
22 8.25
A Recuso Hunter
21 8.25
A Recuso Hunter
25 8.25
A Recuso Hunter
24 8.25
A Recuso Smuggler
30 8.25
a Vigilum Centurio
54 93.81
A Vigilum Centurio
57 93.81
a Vigilum Centurio
53 93.81
A Vigilum Centurio
53 93.81
a Vigilum Centurio
55 93.81
A Vigilum Centurio
55 93.81
A Vigilum Centurio
57 93.81
A Vigilum Centurio
55 93.81
A Vigilum Centurio
56 93.81
a Vigilum Centurio
57 93.81
A Vigilum Centurio
57 93.81
a Vigilum Centurio
56 93.81
A Vigilum Centurio
55 93.81
a Vigilum Cohortis
60 100
a Vigilum Cohortis
60 100
A Vigilum Cohortis
60 100
a Vigilum Cohortis
60 100
a Vigilum of the Eye
49 92.59
A Vigilum of the Eye
47 92.59
a Vigilum of the Eye
48 92.59
a Vigilum of the Eye
47 92.59
a Vigilum of the Eye
48 92.59
a Vigilum of the Eye
45 92.59
A Vigilum of the Eye
45 92.59
a Vigilum of the Eye
46 92.59
A Vigilum Seniori
60 92.65
A Vigilum Senorii
60 100
Adipiscorus Glipo
66 125
An Actuarius Guard
47 90.24
An Actuarius Guard
48 90.24
An Actuarius Guard
49 90.24
An Actuarius Guard
46 90.24
An Actuarius Guard
45 90.24
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022