On Terrorantula Silk - General Info
On Terrorantula Silk (18300)

WT: 0.1 Size: TINY
Class: NONE
Race: NONE

Item type: Gems

Icon: 504
Model: IT63

Book Contents
I recently had the fortune to
purchase a strange silk from
a traveler hailing from the
deserts of Ro. After
experimenting for quite some
time with the new material I
discovered that when sewn
into swatches it could be
cured with Purified Mana,
threaded with Platinum
Thread, and using an
appropriate pattern tailored
page 1
into an armor as strong as
steel!! One swatch was
sufficient to craft a helm,
collar, mask, pauldron, or
bracer. Two swatches were
needed for a waistband,
vambraces, gauntlets, or
boots. Three swatches were
needed for a breastplate,
cloak, or greaves.
page 2
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022