Indifferent - Primary
Name Race Class Level
#Alex Hutchison
Human Warrior 74
#Alred the Worn
Barbarian Warrior 65
#Captain Rittas
Human Warrior 65
#Captain Rittas
Human Warrior 65
#Chef Ioan
Vampire Elite Warrior 74
#Darion the Blade
Vampire Elite Warrior 74
#Doldigun Steinwielder
Coldain Rogue 60
#Echo of Chardok
Sarnak Skeleton Warrior 67
#Elizabeth Duncan
Vampire Elite Warrior 72
#Exhausted Guest
High Elf Warrior 74
Froglok Paladin 65
#Grotesque Gargoyle
Rogue 74
Warrior 74
#Hunter Gitog
Warrior 60
#Izzik Springwidget
Gnome Warrior 80
#Izzik Springwidget
Gnome Warrior 80
#Katina Duncan
Vampire Elite Warrior 72
#Keleborn Redwave
Dark Elf Cleric 76
Warrior 74
#Melinda Balehart
Vampire Elite Warrior 74
#Natasha Whitewater
Human Cleric 40
Vampire Elite Warrior 74
#Sleepy Guest
Dark Elf Warrior 74
#The Fabled Coloth Meadowgreen
Centaur Warrior 55
#The Fabled shardwurm broodmother
Wurm Warrior 60
#The Fabled shardwurm matriarch
Wurm Cleric 55
#Tvan Gurrish
Human Rogue 20
#Wyrexxis the Devourer
Rogue 74
Abalin Goret
Human Warrior 66
an aid to the Seneschal
Skeleton New Warrior 70
An Animated Guard
Animated Armor Warrior 66
An Animated Soldier
Black Knight Warrior 65
An Apprentice Cartographer
Human Warrior 66
an Erudin Emissary
Erudite Warrior 22
an incapicated warrior
Human Warrior 65
an onyx protector
Warrior 65
an orcish manservant
Warrior 72
An Undead Bard
Skeleton New Shopkeeper 57
an underling
Magician 72
Ariahn Teller
Vampire Elite Warrior 72
Atlaar Mignar
Human Warrior 60
a ballroom dancer
Vampire Elite Warrior 72
a barbed succulent
Succulent Warrior 19
a batling
Rogue 1
a bristly succulent
Succulent Warrior 12
a chirurgeon
Shaman 72
a clockwork device
Clockwork Beetle Warrior 52
a curious guest
Gnome Warrior 60
a dinner guest
Human Warrior 60
a festering worm
Vacuum Worm Warrior 60
a froglok slave
Old Froglok Warrior 2
a gargoyle
Warrior 72
a grayfang bat
Warrior 72
a guest of Dreadspire
Dark Elf Warrior 60
a kromzek spy
Storm Giant Warrior 55
a malicious trusik
Cleric 68
a pile of rotting bones
Skeleton New Warrior 72
a planarian larvae
Vacuum Worm Warrior 59
a prickly succulent
Succulent Warrior 15
a resident of Dreadspire
Vampire Elite Warrior 72
a servant
Warrior 72
a servant manatee
Walrus Warrior 53
a servant sea elephant
Walrus Warrior 48
a servant walrus
Walrus Warrior 47
a shadowed assassin
Dark Elf Warrior 7
a shadowmane hopeful
Cleric 72
a shadowmane lorekeeper
Warrior 72
a shadowmane mender
Cleric 72
a shadowmane outcast
Cleric 72
a shadowmane representative
Warrior 72
a shadowmane sage
Cleric 72
a shadowmane shaman
Shaman 72
a shadowmane softpaw
Rogue 72
a shadowmane steelclaw
Warrior 72
a shadowmane warrior
Warrior 73
A shissar wraith
Shissar Warrior 59
A Soldier of Marr
Human Warrior 66
a spiked succulent
Succulent Warrior 33
A Squad Leader
Black Knight Warrior 67
a Starshatter Medic
High Elf Cleric 65
a Starshatter Warrior
Human Warrior 65
a stoic guardian
Warrior 65
A storm watcher
Nightmare Gargoyle Warrior 63
a studious resident
Vampire Elite Warrior 72
a thorny succulent
Succulent Warrior 31
A Valorian Guard
Black Knight Warrior 65
A Valorian Guardsman
Black Knight Warrior 67
a Valorian Sentry
Human Warrior 63
a vampiric lorekeeper
Vampire Elite Warrior 72
a walrus servant
Walrus Warrior 51
a weary warrior
Human Warrior 65
Baltron Werters
Human Warrior 66
Wurm Warrior 45
Boluen Areden
Human Warrior 66
Captain Ryglot Cupperhide
Black Knight Warrior 67
centaur archer
Centaur Warrior 21
centaur charger
Centaur Warrior 29
centaur courser
Centaur Warrior 25
centaur foal
Centaur Warrior 14
centaur sheltie
Centaur Warrior 17
Ceson Fallonic
Human Warrior 66
Coloth Meadowgreen
Centaur Warrior 35
Corfia Nultethen
High Elf Shopkeeper 60
Doldigun Steinwielder
Coldain Rogue 55
Eldon Starkorp
Human Warrior 60
Enraged Imp
Imp Berserker 60
Eric Von Schnelling
Human Warrior 73
fang tooth
Giant Rat Monk 15
Fellon Garnuckle
Human Warrior 66
Franzik Wells
Human Warrior 66
Fyking Baer
Human Warrior 66
Gaelic the Small
Warrior 72
Garath the Trader
Dwarf Warrior 60
Granin O`Gill
Barbarian Shaman 3
Grenic Drere
Black Knight Warrior 67
Guardian Zephyst
Guard of Justice Warrior 60
Guard Lennon
Human Warrior 55
Helix Jeson
Human Warrior 66
Hidagard the Dark Martyr
Vampire Elite Warrior 75
Johaan Landro
Human Warrior 66
Katizm Banum
Human Warrior 66
Kroldir Thunderhoof
Centaur Warrior 18
Lesser Orc Chieftain
Shaman 73
Lieutenant Aiden Finn
Black Knight Warrior 67
Marik Clubthorn
Barbarian Warrior 16
Master Sergeant Aaramis Daryln
Black Knight Warrior 67
Mildar Gormrok
Human Warrior 60
Natasha Whitewater
Human Cleric 40
Nelef the Trader
Gnome Warrior 60
Notable Shadowmane
Druid 73
Orc Chieftain
Shaman 73
Paralin Notion
Human Warrior 66
Polarix Mudder
Human Warrior 66
Rammoc Mills
Human Warrior 66
Randle Cummings
Human Shopkeeper 66
Ranin Tredbul
Human Warrior 66
Ranndall Darknon
Human Warrior 60
Rathmana Allin
Erudite Shopkeeper 49
Regalt Tripedes
Human Warrior 66
Regan Mills
Human Warrior 66
Rogbert Lilwen
Human Warrior 66
Rusbek the Inhospitable
Halfling Rogue 11
Rydric Kane
Human Warrior 66
Rylan Tragen
Human Warrior 66
Sergeant Amon Tillan
Black Knight Warrior 67
Sergeant Gerrin Bakeside
Black Knight Warrior 67
Sergeant Johson Popoah
Black Knight Warrior 67
Sergeant Lusahn Matthers
Black Knight Warrior 67
Sergeant Sikfaun Bowah
Black Knight Warrior 67
Shadowmane Advisor
Druid 73
Shadowmane Sage
Druid 73
Shakrn Meadowgreen
Centaur Warrior 31
shardwurm broodmother
Wurm Warrior 50
Shiliskin Councilor
Necromancer 72
Skeletal Functionary
Skeleton New Warrior 73
Skeletal Scribe
Skeleton New Warrior 73
Spiritist Roleko
Vah Shir Warrior 45
Stoic Guardian
Warrior 62
Taggart Hines
Human Warrior 65
Ulan Meadowgreen
Centaur Shopkeeper 30
Wurm Warrior 49
Vrex High Priest
Cleric 68
wharf rat
Giant Rat Monk 11
Xaven White
Human Warrior 66
Zech Terrun
Human Warrior 66
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022