Trusik Tribe - Primary
Name Race Class Level
#a bereaved scribe
Shaman 64
#a commanded guardian
Warrior 66
#a destructive channeler
Magician 67
#a destructive channeler
Magician 67
#a disciple of destruction
Monk 67
#a disciple of fury
Druid 67
#a disciple of rage
Monk 67
#a trusik anchorite
Monk 67
#a trusik ascetic
Monk 67
#a trusik ritualist
Wizard 67
#a trusik stalker
Druid 67
#a trusik summoner
Magician 67
#Devastating Construct
Warrior 73
#Kelekdrix, Herald of Trushar
Warrior 72
#Mimezpo the Oracle
Warrior 70
#Nijacka the Scourge
Warrior 70
#Primal Arachnid
Arachnid Warrior 70
#Primal Insect
Insect Warrior 70
#Tqiv Araxt the Enraged
Warrior 68
#Tqiv Qukret the Furious
Warrior 68
#Usher of Kelekdrix
Warrior 72
#Vrex Barxt Qurat
Monk 73
#Vrex Indra
Monk 68
#Watcher of Kelekdrix
Warrior 72
an anchorite of destruction
Monk 67
an impelled guardian
Shaman 66
an onyx rockbearer
Warrior 66
an onyx watcher
Shaman 65
an unbound guardian
Warrior 65
a blighted exile
Warrior 66
a commanded destroyer
Warrior 65
a construct of fury
Warrior 69
a construct of rage
Warrior 69
a cornered animist
Shaman 67
a crag beetle
Insect Warrior 65
a dark cavern spider
Arachnid Warrior 65
a deathprophet
Warrior 68
a doomsayer
Warrior 66
a dying exile
Warrior 66
a freed rockbearer
Warrior 66
a granite guardian
Shaman 65
a granite laborer
Warrior 65
a liberated stoneworker
Warrior 66
a lingering doomchanter
Warrior 68
a lost worshipper
Shaman 67
a prophet of destruction
Warrior 69
a shambling exile
Warrior 66
a trusik anchorite
Monk 67
a trusik ascetic
Monk 67
a trusik chanter
Shaman 68
a trusik coercer
Enchanter 68
a trusik dancer
Monk 65
a trusik naturalist
Druid 65
a trusik ritualist
Wizard 67
a trusik spiritmaster
Shaman 67
a trusik stalker
Druid 67
a trusik summoner
Magician 67
a wary trusik
Warrior 67
Spectral Trushar Worshipper
Warrior 64
Tiv Ashmmi
Monk 68
Tqiv Araxt the Enraged
Warrior 68
Tqiv Qukret the Furious
Warrior 68
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022