Inhabitants of Time - Primary
Name Race Class Level
#a flame mephit
Fire Mephit Wizard 64
New Bertox Warrior 75
#Cazic Thule
Cazic-Thule Warrior 75
Innoruuk Warrior 75
Prismatic Dragon Warrior 99
Prismatic Dragon Warrior 99
#Rallos Zek
New Rallos Zek Shadown Knight 75
#Vallon Zek
Vallon Zek Warrior 71
Amygdalan knight
Denizen Warrior 66
Anar of Water
Elemental Warrior 68
an abhorrent
Abhorent Warrior 66
An Air Phoenix Noble
Phoenix Warrior 64
An Air Phoenix Noble
Phoenix Warrior 64
An Arcane Cube Formation
Gelatinous Cube Magician 69
An Elemental Stonefist
Elemental Warrior 64
an inferno mephit
Fire Mephit Warrior 65
an inferno mephit
Fire Mephit Warrior 65
an undead guardian
Skeleton New Wizard 65
an undead guardian
Undead Footman Wizard 65
an undead protector
Skeleton New Warrior 66
An Unholy Rock Fiend
StoneGrabber Warrior 60
Archon of the Plaguebringer
Cleric 69
Assassin of Hate
Abhorent Warrior 67
Avatar of the Elements
StoneGrabber Warrior 72
A Crustacean Champion
Crab Warrior 60
A Dark Guardian of the Warlord
Rallos Zek Minion Shadown Knight 69
A Deadly Warboar
War Boar Warrior 71
a deceiver of zek
War Boar Rogue 69
A Deepwater Assassin
Warrior 60
a deepwater triloun
Rogue 65
A Ferocious Cube Formation
Gelatinous Cube Warrior 67
A Ferocious Cube Phantasmist
Gelatinous Cube Enchanter 67
A Ferocious Warboar
War Boar Warrior 71
A Ferocious War Boar
War Boar Warrior 60
A Fierce War Boar
War Boar Warrior 64
A Firebone Caster
Wizard 66
A Fire Etched Doombringer
Fire Mephit Warrior 60
a flame mephit
Fire Mephit Warrior 64
a flame mephit
Fire Mephit Warrior 65
A hatebringer of Innoruuk
Abhorent Warrior 70
A Hobgoblin Servant
Nightmare Goblin Warrior 69
A Minion of the Warlord
Rallos Zek Minion Warrior 70
A Mouth of Dementia
Mouths of Insanity Wizard 64
A Mouth of Insanity
Mouths of Insanity Wizard 64
A Needletusk Warboar
War Boar Warrior 71
A Nightmare Knight of Terris
Undead Knight Warrior 64
A Phantasm of Terris
Skeleton New Wizard 64
A Pig of War
War Boar Warrior 67
a pile of living rubble
StoneGrabber Warrior 65
a rock shaped assassin
StoneGrabber Warrior 64
A Smoldering Elemental
Elemental Warrior 60
a summoned boar
War Boar Warrior 64
a summoned boar
War Boar Warrior 64
a summoned guardian
Skeleton New Warrior 66
A Summoned Guardian of Terris
Skeleton New Wizard 64
A Summoned Knight of Terris
Undead Knight Warrior 64
a summoned minion
Rallos Zek Minion Warrior 64
a summoned minion
Rallos Zek Minion Warrior 64
a time vortex
Elemental Monk 68
A Tormentor
Tormentor Rogue 64
a triloun gatherer
Crab Enchanter 64
A Twisted Tormentor
Tormentor Rogue 64
A warboar of suffering
War Boar Warrior 70
A Warlord of Zek
Rallos Zek Minion Warrior 68
A Watercrafted Hunter
Elemental Warrior 65
A Zek Bloodtusk
War Boar Warrior 68
Battlemaster of the Faceless
Denizen Warrior 68
Champion of Korascian
Poison Frog Warrior 66
Champion of Torment
Tormentor Warrior 71
Champion of War
Rallos Zek Minion Warrior 67
Cleric of Innoruuk
Dark Elf Warrior 66
Cutthroat of Saryrn
Tormentor Rogue 68
Dark Knight of Saryrn
Tormentor Shadown Knight 70
Dark Knight of Terris
Undead Knight Warrior 71
Dark Priest of Innoruuk
Dark Elf Cleric 68
Deathbringer Blackheart
Rallos Zek Minion Warrior 71
Deathbringer Rianit
Rallos Zek Minion Warrior 71
Deathbringer Skullsmash
Rallos Zek Minion Warrior 71
Dersool Fal`Giersnaol
Abhorent Warrior 71
Doombringer of Saryrn
Mouths of Insanity Cleric 69
Mouths of Insanity Warrior 71
Earthen Overseer
StoneGrabber Warrior 67
Footman of the Plaguebringer
Warrior 68
Guardian Knight of Pestilence
Shadown Knight 66
Guardian of the Crypt
Disease Boss Warrior 66
guardian of the dark prince
Dark Elf Warrior 70
Gutripping War Beast
Tormentor Warrior 67
Gelatinous Cube Warrior 71
Incantator of the Plaguebringer
Wizard 67
Kazrok of Fire
Elemental Warrior 66
Knight of Nightmare
Undead Knight Shadown Knight 68
Kraksmaal Fir`Dethsin
Warrior 71
Neimon of Air
Elemental Warrior 68
Nightwalker of Hate
Dark Elf Rogue 69
Gelatinous Cube Warrior 71
PoP Dragon Rogue 80
Ralthos Enrok
Undead Knight Shadown Knight 69
Revenant of the Plaguebringer
Shadown Knight 68
Rythor of the Undead
Undead Footman Warrior 68
Saryn Warrior 71
Servitor of Xegony
Phoenix Warrior 66
Servitor of Xegony
Phoenix Warrior 66
Shadow of Anar
Elemental Warrior 68
Sinrunal Gorgedreal
Denizen Warrior 71
Supernatural Guardian
StoneGrabber Warrior 72
Tallon Zek
Tallon Zek Warrior 71
Templar of Saryrn
Mouths of Insanity Cleric 69
Terlok of Earth
StoneGrabber Warrior 68
Terris Thule
Warrior 71
Thaumathurgist of Saryrn
Mouths of Insanity Wizard 67
Undead Pawn of Terris
Undead Footman Warrior 67
Undead Squad Leader
Undead Footman Warrior 71
Vallon Zek
Vallon Zek Warrior 71
Vanquisher of the Faceless
Denizen Shadown Knight 68
Warbeast of Saryrn
Tormentor Warrior 68
War Shapen Emissary
Tormentor Warrior 67
Windshapen Warlord of Air
Elemental Warrior 67
Xeroan Xi`Geruonask
Warrior 71
Xerskel Gerodnsal
Dark Elf Cleric 71
Zeb Cage Warrior 75
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022