Stillmoon Acolytes - Primary
Name Race Class Level
Warrior 66
#a Goblin Guard
Shaman 60
#a silent hunter
Warrior 60
#A Spirit Keeper
Warrior 66
#crazed statue
Rogue 60
#Hervash the Foreman
Warrior 60
#Hong Lei
Cleric 60
Warrior 60
#Kessdona the Enlightened
Warrior 80
Warrior 66
#Protector of Kessdona
Warrior 72
#Shogurei, Guardian of the Sands
Warrior 75
Enchanter 60
#Temple Foreman Korsav
Warrior 60
active manashard guardian
Warrior 72
Ancient Golem
Warrior 73
an ancestral guardian
Cleric 67
An Ancient Protector
Skeleton New Warrior 70
An Ancient Stillmoon Guardian
Warrior 66
An Animated Statue
Warrior 70
an ascent cliff caster
Wizard 62
an ascent conjurer
Enchanter 62
an ascent diviner
Shaman 62
an Ascent drake
Warrior 67
an ascent ice priest
Cleric 62
an ascent ice wing
Warrior 59
an Ascent laborer
Shaman 61
an ascent rock healer
Cleric 59
an ascent soft step
Rogue 62
an ascent storm wing
Wizard 60
an ascent warmonger
Warrior 61
an infected puma
Warrior 67
an iron sentinel
Rogue 68
an iron warder
Cleric 57
an iron watcher
Cleric 62
a basalt guardian
Rogue 60
a cave poisoner
Rogue 59
a clay sentinel
Warrior 53
a cliffside puma
Warrior 59
a crevice weaver
Rogue 62
a drake
Warrior 62
a drakescale protector
Wizard 67
a drake conspirator
Wizard 67
a drake usurper
Cleric 67
a goblin guard
Warrior 67
a goblin pet
Warrior 70
a goblin poison master
Warrior 70
a goblin tea tender
Warrior 67
a goblin warlord
Warrior 67
a goblin worker
Warrior 67
a granite bishop
Cleric 60
a granite defender
Warrior 62
a granite magician
Wizard 62
a granite sorcerer
Enchanter 58
a kirin master
Warrior 62
a kirin student
Wizard 59
a kirin wanderer
Wizard 62
a kirin way keeper
Warrior 61
a poison assistant
Warrior 67
a Snowfoot antagonizer
Warrior 59
a Snowfoot heathen
Shaman 60
a Snowfoot mystic
Cleric 60
a Snowfoot shadow
Rogue 60
a Snowfoot signal warden
Warrior 70
a Snowfoot warlock
Wizard 62
a Stillmoon basalt mage
Wizard 55
a Stillmoon champion
Warrior 67
a Stillmoon charmer
Enchanter 55
a Stillmoon defender
Cleric 55
a Stillmoon dirt tender
Cleric 54
a Stillmoon drake
Warrior 54
a Stillmoon forest warden
Warrior 54
a Stillmoon goblin
Warrior 68
a Stillmoon granite keeper
Warrior 55
a Stillmoon gravel warden
Rogue 53
a Stillmoon harmony
Cleric 53
a Stillmoon harmony wing
Cleric 54
a Stillmoon instigator
Rogue 57
a Stillmoon keeper
Druid 55
a Stillmoon laborer
Shaman 55
a Stillmoon leopard
Warrior 60
a Stillmoon lorekeeper
Wizard 56
a Stillmoon loremaster
Wizard 57
a Stillmoon magus
Wizard 57
a Stillmoon marauder
Warrior 68
a Stillmoon mystic
Enchanter 55
a Stillmoon novice
Wizard 54
a Stillmoon protector
Warrior 55
a Stillmoon scoundrel
Rogue 69
a Stillmoon seer
Wizard 54
a Stillmoon servant
Rogue 69
a Stillmoon shaman
Shaman 68
a Stillmoon sorcerer
Wizard 68
a Stillmoon stonecaster
Enchanter 56
a Stillmoon stone caster
Enchanter 53
a Stillmoon stone wing
Cleric 53
a Stillmoon teacher
Druid 57
a Stillmoon templar
Cleric 69
a Stillmoon wakemaker
Warrior 55
a Stillmoon warlord
Warrior 75
a Stillmoon watcher
Warrior 57
a Stillmoon water mage
Wizard 53
a Stillmoon water servant
Warrior 57
a Stillmoon waverusher
Shaman 55
a Stillmoon witchdoctor
Shaman 56
a stone guardian
Warrior 56
a stone statue
Warrior 67
Bathouse Manager Hakvar
Cleric 60
crawling warder
Rogue 67
Dark Reign assistant
Warrior 67
Dark Reign Contact
Iksar Necromancer 67
Decrepit Guard
Cleric 58
depleted manashard guardian
Warrior 72
Elusive Kirin
Warrior 67
Goblin Bath Attendant
Warrior 66
goblin laborer
Shaman 67
Guard Musashi
Warrior 60
Guard Nobunaga
Warrior 59
inactive manashard guardian
Warrior 72
Jorvash the Usurper
Cleric 60
Lair Mistress
Warrior 70
Wizard 70
Protector of Kessdona
Warrior 72
Rikkukin the Defender
Warrior 80
scroll thief
Troll Warrior 67
scroll thief underling
Dark Elf Wizard 67
Shogurei, Guardian of the Sands
Warrior 75
Stillmoon courtyard gardener
Shaman 67
Stillmoon henchman
Warrior 67
Stillmoon plan keeper
Warrior 70
The Storm Caller
Warrior 67
Tunk the Fluid
Shaman 60
Wei Chung
Druid 62
Wei Zhang
Warrior 55
Wong Li
Druid 73
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022