Name | Mana | Classes | Effects | |||
RNG Focused Tempest of Arrows Damage 7 | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 1: UnknownEffect413 Slot 2: UnknownEffect385 Slot 3: UnknownEffect411 |
Cold Awareness V | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 1% Slot 2: Limit: Max Level(70) (lose 5% per level over cap) Slot 3: Limit: Exclude Spell: Complete Heal Slot 4: Limit: Resist Cold/Ice allowed Slot 5: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed |
Elixir of Health VII | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Increase AC by 15.9 Slot 2: Increase Max Hitpoints by 338 |
Anger of the Shissar Poison VIII | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 11: UnknownEffect419 |
Alluring Whispers | 245 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Charm(13/49) |
Nagafen Fire | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Decrease Stamina Loss by 1 |
Disease Awareness V | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 1% Slot 2: Limit: Max Level(70) (lose 5% per level over cap) Slot 3: Limit: Exclude Spell: Complete Heal Slot 4: Limit: Resist Disease allowed Slot 5: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed |
Elixir of Health VIII | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Increase AC by 16.2 Slot 2: Increase Max Hitpoints by 380 |
Spirit of the Wolf | 40 | 2 | - | Slot 2: Increase Movement by 30 (L1) to 60 (L60)% |
Skin like Wood | 10 | 2 | 484 | RNG/7, DRU/1 | Slot 1: Increase AC by 3 (L1) to 15 (L24) Slot 2: Increase Max Hitpoints by 11 (L1) to 20 (L10) |
Summon Lava Diamond | 30 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Summon Item: Lava Diamond |
Sleep | 275 | 2 | - | ENC/63 | Slot 1: Mesmerize(2/65) Slot 2: Memblur 35% |
Vox's Bite | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 125 |
Heat Awareness V | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 1% Slot 2: Limit: Max Level(70) (lose 5% per level over cap) Slot 3: Limit: Exclude Spell: Complete Heal Slot 4: Limit: Resist Fire allowed Slot 5: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed |
Master's Aura | 0 | 2 | - | MNK/70 | Slot 1: UnknownEffect351 |
Scorpion's Agony Poison VII | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 10: Screech(1) Slot 11: UnknownEffect419 |
Sympathetic Force of Magic IV | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 1: UnknownEffect383 Slot 2: Limit: SpellType(Detrimental only) Slot 3: UnknownEffect348 Slot 4: Limit: Min Level(70) Slot 5: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed Slot 6: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints) |
Ionian Arpeggio | 0 | 2 | - | BRD/254 | Slot 1: UnknownEffect374 |
Primal Essence | 100 | 2 | - | SHM/52 | Slot 3: Increase STA by 20 Slot 5: Increase AGI by 20 Slot 6: Increase STR by 20 Slot 7: Increase DEX by 20 |
Vampyre Regeneration | 100 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 5 per tick Slot 2: Decrease Fire Resist by 15 Slot 3: Increase STR by 20 Slot 4: Increase STA by 20 |
Natural Attunement | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 3: Add Proc: Nature's Fury Slot 4: Ranged Proc: Nature's Fury |
Magic Awareness V | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 1% Slot 2: Limit: Max Level(70) (lose 5% per level over cap) Slot 3: Limit: Exclude Spell: Complete Heal Slot 4: Limit: Resist Magic allowed Slot 5: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed |
Elixir of Health X | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Increase AC by 19.2 Slot 2: Increase Max Hitpoints by 488 |
Evasive Forestep | 180 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Increase Chance to Avoid Melee by 5pct |
Prose of Preservation | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 2: Mitigate Melee Damage by 65pct until 67500 absorbed |
Divine Wrath | 120 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Stun(4.0 sec/0) Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 250 |
Mirror I | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 5% |
Poison Awareness V | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 1% Slot 2: Limit: Max Level(70) (lose 5% per level over cap) Slot 3: Limit: Exclude Spell: Complete Heal Slot 4: Limit: Resist Poison allowed Slot 5: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed |
Spirit of the Mist Wolf | 40 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Set Duration Invis Slot 2: Increase Movement by 30 (L1) to 60 (L60)% |
Ionian Arpeggio | 0 | 2 | - | BRD/254 | Slot 1: UnknownEffect374 |
Zealous Companion | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 11: Add Proc: Companion's Strike II |
Pendril's Animation | 12 | 2 | 1 | ENC/1 | Slot 1: Summon Pet: Animation1 |
Natural Harmony | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 3: Add Proc: Nature's Fury Slot 4: Ranged Proc: Nature's Fury |
Distance Awareness I | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Increase Spell Range by 5% Slot 2: Limit: Max Level(20) (lose 5% per level over cap) Slot 3: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed |
Elixir of Speed II | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Increase Attack Speed by 10% |