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Classes Effects
Nature's Holy Wrath
0 1 - Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 150
Slot 3: Stun(1.0 sec/0)
Sonic Feedback
0 1 - Slot 1: Increase Damage Shield by 6 (L1) to 35 (L70)
0 1 - Slot 5: Increase AGI by 10
Slot 6: Increase STR by 10
Blessing of Temperance
1650 1 - CLR/45 Slot 1: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 3 is effect 'Max Hitpoints' and < 2800
Slot 2: Increase Max Hitpoints by 800
Slot 3: Increase HP when cast by 800
Slot 4: Increase AC by 48
Slot 5: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 3 is effect 'Max Hitpoints' and < 2800
Pact of Decay
5 1 - SHD/69 Slot 1: UnknownEffect374
Slot 2: Increase Mana by 17 per tick
Slot 4: Ultravision
Slot 7: Decrease Hitpoints by 25 per tick
0 1 - Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1615
Summon Warhorse
0 1 - Slot 1: Summon Horse: SumWarHorseTaSlow2
Adrenaline Surge
981 1 - DRU/75 Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 3439 (L1) to 4139 (L70)
Slot 2: UnknownEffect340
Armor of Unrelenting Faith
546 1 - PAL/73 Slot 2: Increase AC by 46.8
Slot 3: Increase HP when cast by 527 (L1) to 524 (L1)
Slot 4: Increase Mana by 5 per tick
Slot 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is effect 'UndefinedEffect015' and < 15
Slot 10: Increase Max Hitpoints by 524
Final Stand Discipline
0 1 - WAR/72 Slot 1: Decrease Melee Mitigation by -45pct
Silent Dictum Rk. III
1038 1 - CLR/79 Slot 2: Stun(3.0 sec/75)
Slot 3: Decrease Hitpoints by 1461
Mystify Rk. II
586 1 - ENC/77 Slot 1: Mesmerize(2/83)
Slot 2: Memblur 30%
Protection of the Kirkoten Rk. III
732 1 - RNG/80 Slot 1: Increase Damage Shield by 76
Slot 2: Increase ATK by 277
Slot 3: Increase AC by 80.4
Slot 4: Increase Max Hitpoints by 288
Slot 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is effect 'Max Hitpoints' and < 2288
Slot 6: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is effect 'Damage Shield' and < 2076
Slot 7: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 3 is effect 'AC' and < 2268
Slot 8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is effect 'ATK' and < 2277
Slot 9: Increase Double Attack by 4pct
Nectar of Rancor
790 1 - SHM/79 Slot 1: Increase Poison Counter by 18
Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by UnknownCalc1018 per tick
Nimbus of Lava
0 1 -
Befuddler's Aura
976 1 - ENC/82 Slot 1: UnknownEffect351
Whorl of Fists
0 1 - MNK/84 Slot 1: Skill Attack (432)
Slot 2: Skill Attack (432)
Slot 3: Skill Attack (432)
Beetle Swarm Rk. III
766 1 - RNG/81 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 246 (L1) to 388 (L70) per tick
Aina's Faithful Rk. II
650 1 - SHM/82 Slot 1: Summon Pet: shaman_wolf_82_Rk2
Familiar: Little Black Book
0 1 - Slot 1: Summon Familiar: FamiliarLittleBlackBook
Type3 FC Sarsez' Bite
0 1 - Slot 1: UnknownEffect303
Slot 2: UnknownEffect385
0 1 - WAR/90 Slot 1: Increase Hate by 1pct
Amygdalan Horror Rk. II
440 1 - SHD/86 Slot 2: Add Proc: Amygdalan Horror Strike II

Winter's Pyre
773 1 - DRU/88 Slot 1: UnknownEffect374
Slot 2: UnknownEffect374
Slot 3: Increase Hate by 732
Slot 4: Hitpoints by 0
0 1 - Slot 1: Drunk if Alcholol Tolerance is below -1
Slot 2: UnknownEffect374
Roar of Kolos
2474 1 - DRU/93 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 12458
Slot 2: Stun(2.5 sec/95)
War March of Illdaera
0 1 - BRD/94 Slot 1: Increase Attack Speed by 60%
Slot 2: Increase STR by 187
Slot 3: Increase ATK by 110
Slot 4: Increase Damage Shield by 77
Slot 6: Increase (Unknown Calc) Minimum Damage Modifier by 30pct
Slot 12: Increase (Unknown Calc) Damage Modifier by 3pct
Freezing Gift
2236 1 - SHM/95 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 5628
Unfold Weapon Pack
0 1 - Slot 1: Summon Item: Pouch of Quellious

Slot 2: Summon Item Into Bag: Summoned: Manaforged Shortsword

Slot 3: Summon Item Into Bag: Summoned: Manaforged Shortsword

Slot 4: Summon Item Into Bag: Summoned: Manaforged Fireblade

Slot 5: Summon Item Into Bag: Summoned: Manaforged Fireblade

Slot 6: Summon Item Into Bag: Summoned: Manaforged Iceblade

Slot 7: Summon Item Into Bag: Summoned: Manaforged Iceblade

Slot 8: Summon Item Into Bag: Summoned: Manaforged Ragesword

Slot 9: Summon Item Into Bag: Summoned: Manaforged Ragesword

Slot 10: Summon Item Into Bag: Summoned: Manaforged Mindblade

Slot 11: Summon Item Into Bag: Summoned: Manaforged Mindblade

Peaceful Wave Rk. II
1080 1 - ENC/94 Slot 1: Mesmerize(2/98)
Blood Blade
0 1 - BER/93 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 343 per tick
Gelidran Lament Poison IX
0 1 - Slot 11: UnknownEffect419
Type3 FC Pure Wildspark
0 1 - Slot 1: UnknownEffect303
Slot 2: UnknownEffect385
Seventh Wind Rk. III
0 1 - WAR/97, MNK/97,
ROG/97, BER/97
Slot 1: Increase Endurance by 549 per tick
Cloudburst Rk. III
1187 1 - RNG/96 Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 7141 (L1) to 7841 (L70)
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Source: 17 Jan 2022