Name | Mana | Classes | Effects | |||
Breath of Xulous Prime | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Decrease Spell Haste by -50% Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 34720 per tick Slot 3: Decrease Movement by -50% |
Breath of Xulous Prime | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Decrease Spell Haste by -30% Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 26040 per tick Slot 3: Decrease Movement by -50% |
Breathless Mist | 35 | 4 | - | Slot 1: Water Breathing |
Breed of Corruption | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Decrease HP when cast by 1000 Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 1000 per tick |
Breeze | 35 | 1 | - | ENC/14 | Slot 2: Increase Mana by 1 (L1) to 15 (L70) per tick |
Brell Serilis Protection Seep I | 0 | 4 | - | Slot 1: Decrease AC by 2.1 |
Brell Serilis Protection Seep II | 0 | 4 | - | Slot 1: Decrease AC by 3 |
Brell Serilis Protection Seep III | 0 | 4 | - | Slot 1: Decrease AC by 3.9 |
Brell Serilis Protection Seep IV | 0 | 4 | - | Slot 1: Decrease AC by 5.1 |
Brell Serilis Protection Seep V | 0 | 4 | - | Slot 1: Decrease AC by 7.5 |
Brell Serilis Protection Seep VI | 0 | 4 | - | Slot 1: Decrease AC by 9.9 |
Brell Serilis Protection Seep VII | 0 | 20 | - | Slot 1: Decrease AC by 12.3 |
Brell's Adamantine Armor | 1003 | 1 | - | PAL/94 | Slot 4: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1967 |
Brell's Adamantine Armor Rk. II | 1043 | - | - | PAL/94 | Slot 4: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2065 |
Brell's Adamantine Armor Rk. III | 1085 | 1 | - | PAL/94 | Slot 4: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2168 |
Brell's Balm | 0 | - | - | Slot 5: Add Defensive Proc: Healing Potion VI Slot 12: Increase Max Hitpoints by 200 |
Brell's Best | 0 | 1 | - | Slot 1: UnknownEffect340 Slot 2: UnknownEffect340 Slot 3: UnknownEffect340 |
Brell's Blessed Aloe Balm | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Increase HP when cast by 450 Slot 2: UnknownEffect418 |
Brell's Blessed Aloe Balm | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Increase HP when cast by 788 Slot 2: UnknownEffect418 |
Brell's Blessed Chromatic Strike | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: UnknownEffect286 Slot 2: UnknownEffect348 Slot 3: Limit: Min Level(70) Slot 4: Limit: SpellType(Detrimental only) Slot 5: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints) Slot 6: Limit: Max Level(253) Slot 7: Limit: Instant spells only Slot 8: UnknownEffect374 Slot 9: Improved Spell Effect: UndefinedEffect20556 |
Brell's Blessed Invigorating Balm | 0 | - | - | Slot 4: UnknownEffect417 |
Brell's Blessed Invigorating Redress | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Increase Mana by 200 |
Brell's Blessed Invigorating Relief | 0 | - | - | Slot 4: UnknownEffect417 |
Brell's Blessed Invigorating Relief | 0 | - | - | Slot 4: UnknownEffect417 |
Brell's Blessed Soothing Balm | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 500 |
Brell's Blessed Soothing Wave | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 200 |
Brell's Blessed Stone Balm | 0 | - | - | Slot 7: Increase Absorb Damage by 750 |
Brell's Blessing | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: UnknownEffect359 |
Brell's Brawny Bulwark | 325 | 1 | - | PAL/70 | Slot 4: Increase Max Hitpoints by 412 |
Brell's Divination | 0 | 1 | - | Slot 1: UnknownEffect383 Slot 2: UnknownEffect348 Slot 3: Limit: Min Level(70) Slot 4: Limit: Max Level(253) |
Brell's Earthen Aegis | 434 | 1 | - | PAL/79 | Slot 4: Increase Max Hitpoints by 567 |
Brell's Earthen Aegis Rk. II | 495 | 1 | - | PAL/79 | Slot 4: Increase Max Hitpoints by 670 |
Brell's Earthen Aegis Rk. III | 528 | 1 | - | PAL/79 | Slot 4: Increase Max Hitpoints by 721 |
Brell's Folly | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Stun(5.0 sec/0) Slot 2: Drunk if Alcholol Tolerance is below 1000 Slot 3: Feign Death |
Brell's Healing | 0 | 1 | - | Slot 1: UnknownEffect383 Slot 2: UnknownEffect348 Slot 3: Limit: Min Level(70) Slot 4: Limit: Max Level(253) |