Name | Mana | Classes | Effects | |||
Thurgadin Gate | 0 | 1 | - | Slot 1: Teleport to (-865, 4), 510 degrees in The City of Thurgadin |
Blinding Poison I | 0 | 1 | - | Slot 1: Increase Poison Counter by 2 Slot 2: Decrease ATK by 5 Slot 3: Blindness |
Lesser Mana Surge | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Increase Mana by 200 |
Mana Preservation III | 0 | 116 | - | Slot 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 1% Slot 2: Limit: Max Level(60) (lose 5% per level over cap) Slot 3: Limit: Exclude Spell: Complete Heal Slot 4: Limit: Effect(Percentage Heal excluded) Slot 5: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed |
Fungal Net | 0 | - | 17 | Slot 2: Decrease Movement by 34 (L1) to 65 (L30)% |
Obsidian Requiem | 0 | 1 | - | Slot 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 1% Slot 2: Limit: Max Level(65) (lose 5% per level over cap) Slot 3: Limit: Exclude Spell: Complete Heal Slot 4: Limit: Effect(Percentage Heal excluded) Slot 5: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed |
Psalm of Veeshan | 0 | 1 | 3 | BRD/63 | Slot 1: Increase Damage Shield by 2 (L1) to 31 (L70) Slot 2: Increase All Resists by 73 (L63) to 80 (L70) Slot 4: Increase AC by 3 (L1) to 17 (L70) |
Anger | 0 | 4 | - | Slot 1: Stun(1.0 sec/68) Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 100 Slot 3: Increase Hate by 650 |
Aura of the Berserker | 0 | - | - | Slot 2: Increase Hitpoints by 10 per tick Slot 3: Increase ATK by 50 |
Ice Rain | 0 | - | 2 | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1000 to 2000 (random) |
Anger I | 0 | 1 | - | Slot 1: Increase Hate by 200 |
Living Blade Attunement | 0 | - | - | ROG/254 | Slot 4: UnknownEffect220 Slot 5: UnknownEffect220 Slot 6: UnknownEffect220 Slot 7: UnknownEffect220 Slot 8: UnknownEffect220 |
Gelid Breath | 0 | - | 4 | Slot 1: Decrease HP when cast by 1250 Slot 2: Increase Chance to Hit by -10pct with Backstab Slot 3: Decrease Effective Casting Level by 12 Slot 4: Increase Curse Counter by 50 |
Charisma Increase IV | 0 | 1 | - | Slot 1: Increase CHA Cap by 8 |
Hand of Piety | 0 | - | - | PAL/254 | Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 3660 |
Muram's Fury | 0 | 11 | - | Slot 1: Increase Spell Damage by 1% Slot 2: Limit: Max Level(70) (lose 5% per level over cap) Slot 3: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints) Slot 5: Limit: SpellType(Detrimental only) Slot 6: Limit: Target(AE PC v1 excluded) Slot 7: Limit: Target(PB AE excluded) Slot 8: Limit: Target(Targeted AE excluded) Slot 9: Limit: Target(Uber Giants excluded) Slot 10: Limit: Target(Uber Dragons excluded) Slot 11: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed Slot 12: Limit: Resist Magic allowed |
Regeneration Awareness I | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 1: Increase Spell Duration by 5% Slot 2: Limit: Max Level(20) (lose 5% per level over cap) Slot 3: Limit: SpellType(Beneficial only) Slot 4: Limit: Effect(Complete Heal (with duration) excluded) Slot 5: Limit: Effect(Invunerability excluded) Slot 6: Limit: Min Duraction(24 sec) Slot 7: Limit: Effect(Reaction Radius excluded) Slot 8: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed |
Elixir of Clarity III | 0 | 2 | - | Slot 2: Increase Mana by 3 per tick |
General's Charge | 0 | - | 1 | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1200 |
Sacrificial Melioration | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 668 Slot 2: Increase Mana by 360 |
Oil Spots | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Decrease Spell Range by -80% Slot 2: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed |
Incinerating Flames | 0 | 1 | - | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 10 |
Aura of the Muse | 0 | 2 | - | BRD/70 | Slot 1: UnknownEffect351 |
Tanlor's Haunting Melody | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Decrease Spell Haste by -30% Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 2000 per tick Slot 3: Decrease Attack Speed by -40% |
Guardian Circle II | 0 | 1 | - | Slot 1: UnknownEffect351 |
Fiddleback's Weblash | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Root Slot 2: Decrease AC by 450 |
Pelzia's Aid | 0 | 5 | - | Slot 1: Increase Healing by 1% Slot 2: Limit: Max Level(75) (lose 5% per level over cap) Slot 3: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints) Slot 4: Limit: Instant spells only Slot 5: Limit: SpellType(Beneficial only) Slot 6: Limit: Exclude Spell: Complete Heal Slot 7: Limit: Exclude Spell: Complete Heal Slot 8: Limit: Effect(Percentage Heal excluded) Slot 9: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed |
Valorous Strike Rk. II | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1000 |
Promised Plague Trigger Rk. II | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 284 per tick |
Drink of Decomposition Recourse Rk. II | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 1189 |
Uncanny Resilience | 0 | - | - | BER/254 | Slot 1: Mitigate Melee Damage by 40pct until 8000 absorbed |
Pyre of the Faithful | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Mitigate Melee Damage by 10pct until 10000 absorbed Slot 2: Decrease Fire Resist by 60 |
Parsing Talisman of Foresight | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Increase Chance to Avoid Melee by 10pct Slot 6: UnknownEffect340 |
Verdant Selyran | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Summon Horse: SumMSLm4Fast Slot 2: UnknownEffect374 |
Mind Over Matter | 0 | - | - | ENC/254 | Slot 1: Mana Absorb percent Damage (55) |