Name | Mana | Classes | Effects | |||
Frenetic Renewal Rk. II | 1591 | 1 | - | CLR/85 | Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 6757 Slot 2: Decrease Poison Counter by 18 Slot 3: Decrease Disease Counter by 18 Slot 4: Decrease Curse Counter by 18 |
Rain of Blistersteel Rk. II | 1595 | 1 | - | MAG/97 | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 14086 |
Hral's Swift Deconstruction Rk. II | 1597 | 1 | - | NEC/92 | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 5325 per tick Slot 2: Increase Curse Counter by 12 Slot 3: Decrease Hitpoints by 1864 per tick |
Abhorrent Sacrifice Rk. III | 1598 | 1 | - | SHD/93 | Slot 1: UnknownEffect374 Slot 2: UnknownEffect374 |
Mark of Erion | 1598 | 1 | - | CLR/92 | Slot 2: Decrease Damage Shield by 535 Slot 6: Reverse Damage Shield (960) |
Focus Mass Refined Spellcaster's Empowering Essence | 1600 | 1 | - | NEC/64, WIZ/64, MAG/64, ENC/59 |
Slot 1: Summon Item: Refined Spellcaster's Empowering Essence |
Lava Breath | 1600 | - | - | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 500 Slot 2: Cancel Magic(9) |
Compliant Lurch | 1600 | 1 | - | ENC/85 | Slot 1: UnknownEffect424 |
Issuance of Faith Rk. III | 1601 | 1 | - | CLR/93 | Slot 1: Summon Pets: IOCleIssuance93Rk3 x1 for 120sec |
Wave of Absolution Rk. III | 1601 | 1 | - | PAL/79 | Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 1536 (L1) to 2236 (L70) |
Mind Squall Rk. II | 1601 | 1 | - | ENC/100 | Slot 2: Decrease Mana by 673 per tick Slot 4: Decrease Hitpoints by 3591 per tick |
Famished Flames | 1602 | 1 | - | MAG/95 | Slot 1: UnknownEffect373 Slot 12: Increase Damage Shield by 312 |
Silent Order Rk. III | 1602 | 1 | - | CLR/99 | Slot 2: Stun(3.0 sec/95) Slot 3: Decrease Hitpoints by 4295 Slot 4: Decrease Hitpoints by 1289 Slot 5: Decrease Hitpoints by 645 |
Murkmist Guard | 1605 | 1 | - | WIZ/88 | Slot 1: Increase Absorb Damage by 3621 Slot 2: Trigger Effect on Fade: Murkmist Grasp Slot 3: Add Defensive Proc: Tendrilmist Guard Effect |
Issuance of Grace | 1606 | 1 | - | CLR/98 | Slot 1: Summon Pets: IOCleIssuance98Rk1 x1 for 120sec |
Beast's Behest Rk. II | 1606 | 1 | - | DRU/91 | Slot 1: Charm(1/93) |
Mana Repercussion Rk. II | 1606 | 1 | - | ENC/93 | Slot 1: UnknownEffect339 Slot 2: Limit: SpellType(Detrimental only) Slot 3: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints) Slot 5: Limit: Exclude Spell: Mana Repercussion Strike II Slot 6: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed Slot 7: Limit: Max Level(100) Slot 8: UnknownEffect348 |
Surge of Ironvines Rk. III | 1606 | 1 | - | DRU/85 | Slot 5: Increase Damage Shield by 2800 |
Flashpyre Rk. II | 1607 | 1 | - | WIZ/89 | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 8200 |
Lunulation Rk. III | 1607 | 1 | - | DRU/85 | Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 5020 |
Freezing Snap Rk. II | 1607 | 1 | - | WIZ/88 | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 8200 |
Spiritual Edification Rk. II | 1608 | 1 | - | BST/84 | Slot 5: Increase Mana by 24 per tick Slot 8: Increase Hitpoints by 24 per tick |
Tenak's Flashblaze | 1609 | 1 | - | NEC/88 | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 4618 per tick Slot 3: Decrease Hitpoints by 1616 per tick |
Talisman of the Resolute Rk. III | 1609 | 1 | - | DRU/84, SHM/84 | Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 158 per tick |
Word of Vivacity Rk. II | 1610 | 1 | - | CLR/80 | Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 4610 (L1) to 5310 (L70) Slot 2: Decrease Disease Counter by 21 Slot 3: Decrease Poison Counter by 21 Slot 4: Decrease Curse Counter by 14 |
Splash of Sanctification | 1610 | 1 | - | PAL/83 | Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 1293 Slot 2: Decrease Poison Counter by 16 Slot 3: Decrease Poison Counter by 16 Slot 4: Decrease Disease Counter by 16 Slot 5: Decrease Disease Counter by 16 Slot 6: Decrease Curse Counter by 12 Slot 7: Decrease Curse Counter by 12 Slot 8: UnknownEffect369 Slot 9: UnknownEffect369 Slot 10: Remove Detrimental(50) Slot 11: Remove Detrimental(50) |
Wave of Remitment | 1610 | 1 | - | PAL/84 | Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 1503 (L1) to 2203 (L70) |
Salve of Yubai Rk. III | 1611 | - | - | BST/91 | Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 10766 (L1) to 11466 (L70) Slot 2: Decrease Disease Counter by 59 Slot 3: Decrease Poison Counter by 59 Slot 4: Decrease Curse Counter by 59 Slot 5: UnknownEffect369 Slot 6: Increase Hitpoints by 3552 |
Armor of the Reverent Rk. III | 1611 | 1 | - | CLR/100 | Slot 1: Increase Max Hitpoints by 3184 Slot 2: Increase AC by 214.2 Slot 3: Increase HP when cast by 3184 Slot 4: Increase Mana by 60 per tick Slot 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is effect 'Max Hitpoints' and < 4184 |
Spear of Grelleth Rk. III | 1611 | 1 | - | SHD/99 | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 9655 |
Stranglefang's Venom Rk. II | 1611 | 1 | - | SHM/94 | Slot 1: Increase Poison Counter by 30 Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 4636 per tick Slot 3: Decrease Hitpoints by 1623 per tick |
Constrict Rk. III | 1612 | 1 | - | ENC/88 | Slot 1: Decrease HP when cast by 1296 Slot 4: Decrease Hitpoints by 890 (L1) to 1032 (L70) per tick |
Call Skeleton Crush Rk. II | 1612 | 1 | - | NEC/90 | Slot 1: Summon Pets: NecSwarmSkel90 x3 for 12sec Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 1 |
Sphere of Withering Rk. II | 1613 | - | - | NEC/93 | Slot 1: UnknownEffect351 |
Pyre of the Forsaken Rk. III | 1614 | 1 | - | NEC/98 | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 2070 per tick |