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Classes Effects
Chaos Char Rk. II
540 1 - WIZ/89 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 2536 to 5072 (random)
Maloseniac Eminence
540 1 - MAG/96 Slot 2: Add Proc: Eminent Strike

Slot 3: Increase Damage Shield by 83
541 1 - CLR/72 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1892
541 1 - WIZ/71 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1875
541 - - Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1875
541 1 - WIZ/73 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1875
Splash of Lava
541 1 - MAG/87 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 2730
Summer's Mist Rk. II
541 1 - RNG/84 Slot 1: UnknownEffect374
Slot 2: UnknownEffect374
Slot 3: Increase Hate by 292
Slot 4: Hitpoints by 0
Wand of Ethereal Transvergence Rk. II
542 1 - MAG/82 Slot 1: Summon Item: Rod of Ethereal Transvergence

Gleaming Light Rk. II
542 1 - PAL/72 Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 1443
Summer's Storm
543 1 - RNG/89 Slot 1: UnknownEffect374
Slot 2: UnknownEffect374
Slot 3: Increase Hate by 321
Slot 4: Hitpoints by 0
Touch of the Soulbleeder Rk. II
544 1 - SHD/80 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1218
Reaping Inferno
544 1 - DRU/77 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 2656
Slot 2: UnknownEffect365
544 1 - CLR/84 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1988
Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 557
Slot 3: Decrease Hitpoints by 278
544 1 - PAL/86 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 2938
Slot 2: UnknownEffect340
Slot 3: Decrease Hitpoints by 1763
Ahnkaul's Spear of Venom Rk. III
544 1 - SHM/71 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1616
Severan's Rot Rk. III
544 - - NEC/71 Slot 1: Increase Disease Counter by 18
Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 212 (L1) to 354 (L70) per tick
Ward of Tunare
545 1 - PAL/70 Slot 1: Increase ATK by 25
Slot 3: Increase STR by 60
Slot 4: Add Defensive Proc: Ward of Tunare Effect

Slot 5: Increase AC by 24
Decrepit Skin
545 2 - SHD/70 Slot 1: Add Defensive Proc: Decrepit Skin Parry

Hand of Direction
545 1 - PAL/69 Slot 1: Increase AC by 25.5
Slot 2: Increase Max Hitpoints by 555
Slot 3: Increase HP when cast by 555
Argent Frost Rk. III
545 1 - DRU/89 Slot 1: UnknownEffect340
Slot 5: Decrease ATK by 164
Slot 6: Decrease AC by 58.5
Sorcerous Shield
546 1 - ENC/71 Slot 1: Increase Max Hitpoints by 468
Slot 2: Increase AC by 56.1
Slot 3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is effect 'Max Hitpoints' and < 1468
Slot 6: Increase Magic Resist by 48
Hoar Crystals Rk. II
546 1 - DRU/80 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 3074
Speed of Ellowind Rk. II
546 1 - ENC/72 Slot 2: Increase AGI by 75
Slot 3: Increase DEX by 63
Slot 4: Increase ATK by 66
Slot 5: Increase Attack Speed by 68%
Slot 6: Chance to Critical Hit(25)
Slot 8: Critical Damage Mob(2)
Arcane Noose
546 1 - ENC/69 Slot 1: Decrease HP when cast by 302
Slot 4: Decrease Hitpoints by 24 (L69) to 302 (L70) per tick
Color Collapse Rk. II
546 1 - ENC/74 Slot 1: Stun(6.0 sec/78)
Swarm of Fireants Rk. II
546 1 - DRU/73 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 156 (L1) to 369 (L70) per tick
Symbol of Fenegar
546 - - Slot 3: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1092 (L1) to 1792 (L70)
Slot 4: Increase HP when cast by 1092 (L1) to 1792 (L70)
Prime Shielding
546 1 - MAG/71 Slot 1: Increase Max Hitpoints by 468
Slot 2: Increase AC by 56.1
Slot 3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is effect 'Max Hitpoints' and < 1468
Slot 6: Increase Magic Resist by 48
Armor of Unrelenting Faith
546 1 - PAL/73 Slot 2: Increase AC by 46.8
Slot 3: Increase HP when cast by 527 (L1) to 524 (L1)
Slot 4: Increase Mana by 5 per tick
Slot 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is effect 'UndefinedEffect015' and < 15
Slot 10: Increase Max Hitpoints by 524
Bulwark of the Stoic
546 - - Slot 4: Increase AC by 59.4
Shield of Darkness
546 1 - NEC/71 Slot 1: Increase Max Hitpoints by 468
Slot 2: Increase AC by 56.1
Slot 3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is effect 'Max Hitpoints' and < 1468
Slot 6: Increase Magic Resist by 48
Dismay Rk. III
547 1 - NEC/88 Slot 1: Mesmerize(1/88)
Slot 2: Memblur 1%
Fever Surge Rk. III
547 1 - BST/77 Slot 1: Increase Disease Counter by 18
Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 118 (L1) to 260 (L70) per tick
Minax's Mending Rk. II
548 1 - BST/82 Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 759 per tick
Slot 2: UnknownEffect373
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Source: 17 Jan 2022