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Classes Effects
Putrescent Decay Rk. II
400 2 - SHM/96 Slot 1: Empathy
Slot 2: Decrease Disease Resist by 60
Slot 3: Increase Disease Counter by 18
Slot 4: Limit: Resist Disease allowed
Slot 5: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints)
Slot 6: Decrease Poison Resist by 60
Slot 7: Limit: SpellType(Detrimental only)
Slot 8: Limit: Min Duraction(18 sec)
Slot 9: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Slot 10: UnknownEffect348
Putrescent Decay Rk. III
400 1 - SHM/96 Slot 1: Empathy
Slot 2: Decrease Disease Resist by 60
Slot 3: Increase Disease Counter by 18
Slot 4: Limit: Resist Disease allowed
Slot 5: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints)
Slot 6: Decrease Poison Resist by 60
Slot 7: Limit: SpellType(Detrimental only)
Slot 8: Limit: Min Duraction(18 sec)
Slot 9: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Slot 10: UnknownEffect348
Pure Water IV
400 - - Slot 1: Decrease Poison Counter by 27
Slot 2: Decrease Disease Counter by 27
Slot 3: Decrease Curse Counter by 27
Slot 4: Remove Detrimental(950)
Supernal Remedy
400 2 614 CLR/61 Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 1450
400 1 - ENC/68 Slot 1: Increase Mana Pool by 400
Slot 2: Increase Mana by 20 per tick
Slot 3: Increase INT by 32
Slot 4: Increase WIS by 32
Construct of Water
400 1 - MAG/87 Slot 1: Summon Pet: SumWaterR20
Pack Chloroplast
400 1 - DRU/45 Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 10 per tick
Greater Vocaration: Earth
400 1 1 MAG/57 Slot 1: Summon Pet: SumEarthR14
Spirit of Uluanes
400 1 - BST/73 Slot 1: Summon Warder: BLpet75
Greater Vocaration: Water
400 1 1 MAG/60 Slot 1: Summon Pet: SumWaterR14
Soul Flay Effect
400 - - Slot 1: Increase Mana by 700
Greater Vocaration: Fire
400 1 1 MAG/58 Slot 1: Summon Pet: SumFireR14
Shard of Earth
400 1 - MAG/99 Slot 1: Summon Pet: SumEarthR22
Greater Vocaration: Air
400 1 1 MAG/59 Slot 1: Summon Pet: SumAirR14
Reverent Fury Rk. III
400 1 - PAL/100 Slot 1: Add Proc: Reverent Fury Strike III

Monster Summoning VI
400 1 - MAG/80 Slot 1: Summon Pet: MonsterSum6
Armor of the Zealot
400 1 447 CLR/65 Slot 1: Increase Max Hitpoints by 450
Slot 2: Increase AC by 36
Slot 3: Increase HP when cast by 450
Slot 4: Increase Mana by 8 per tick
Slot 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is effect 'Max Hitpoints' and < 1450
Furious Bash I
400 1 - Slot 1: Increase Spell/Bash Hate by 1%
Slot 2: Limit: Effect(UndefinedEffect999 allowed)
Slot 3: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Furious Bash II
400 1 - Slot 1: Increase Spell/Bash Hate by 1%
Slot 2: Limit: Effect(UndefinedEffect999 allowed)
Slot 3: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Eradicate Curse
400 1 - CLR/54, PAL/60,
DRU/54, SHM/54
Slot 1: Decrease Curse Counter by 30
Slot 2: Decrease Curse Counter by 30
Furious Bash III
400 9 - Slot 1: Increase Spell/Bash Hate by 1%
Slot 2: Limit: Effect(UndefinedEffect999 allowed)
Slot 3: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Furious Bash IV
400 4 - Slot 1: Increase Spell/Bash Hate by 1%
Slot 2: Limit: Effect(UndefinedEffect999 allowed)
Slot 3: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Furious Bash V
400 2 - Slot 1: Increase Spell/Bash Hate by 1%
Slot 2: Limit: Effect(UndefinedEffect999 allowed)
Slot 3: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Spirit of Alladnu
400 1 - BST/68 Slot 1: Summon Warder: BLpet67
Mindshear Horror
400 1 - SHD/81 Slot 2: Add Proc: Mindshear Horror Strike

Furious Bash VI
400 - - Slot 1: Increase Spell/Bash Hate by 1%
Slot 2: Limit: Effect(UndefinedEffect999 allowed)
Slot 3: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Mindshear Horror Rk. II
400 1 - SHD/81 Slot 2: Add Proc: Mindshear Horror Strike

Furious Bash VII
400 12 - Slot 1: Increase Spell/Bash Hate by 1%
Slot 2: Limit: Effect(UndefinedEffect999 allowed)
Slot 3: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Mindshear Horror Rk. III
400 1 - SHD/81 Slot 2: Add Proc: Mindshear Horror Strike

Ethereal Remedy
400 2 - CLR/59 Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 975
Construct of Fire
400 1 - MAG/88 Slot 1: Summon Pet: SumFireR20
Spirit of Rashara
400 1 - BST/70 Slot 1: Summon Warder: BLpet70
Facet of Air
400 1 - MAG/91 Slot 1: Summon Pet: SumAirR21
Boltran's Agacerie
400 1 189 ENC/53 Slot 1: Charm(16/53)
Perfected Heal
400 - - Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 30000
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Source: 17 Jan 2022