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Classes Effects
Burnout IX Rk. II
383 1 - MAG/86 Slot 2: Increase (Unknown Calc) Damage Modifier by 15pct
Slot 3: Increase STR by 164
Slot 4: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
Slot 5: Increase ATK by 115
Slot 6: Increase AC by 53.7
Burnout X
383 1 - MAG/91 Slot 2: Increase (Unknown Calc) Damage Modifier by 17pct
Slot 3: Increase STR by 193
Slot 4: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
Slot 5: Increase ATK by 136
Slot 6: Increase AC by 63
Ward of Rebuke
383 2 - CLR/57 Slot 1: Add Defensive Proc: Ward of Rebuke Parry

Jagged Torrent
384 1 - BST/79 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1298
Burial Rites Rk. III
384 1 - PAL/71 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1634
Slot 2: UnknownEffect340
Mammoth's Force
384 1 - DRU/86, SHM/86 Slot 3: Increase ATK by 141
Slot 7: Increase (Unknown Calc) Damage Modifier by 9pct
Thunderous Barrier
384 1 - BRD/91 Slot 1: Add Defensive Proc: Thunderstun

Wraithguard's Rebuke Rk. III
384 - - Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1634
Atol's Concussive Shackles Rk. II
385 1 - WIZ/93 Slot 2: Decrease Movement by 34 (L1) to 60 (L25)%
Mask of the Arboreal
385 1 - DRU/90 Slot 2: Increase Magnification by 20%
Slot 3: Increase Mana by 19 per tick
Slot 4: See Invisible(1)
Slot 5: Ultravision
Mask of the Arboreal Rk. II
385 1 - DRU/90 Slot 2: Increase Magnification by 20%
Slot 3: Increase Mana by 22 per tick
Slot 4: See Invisible(1)
Slot 5: Ultravision
Mask of the Arboreal Rk. III
385 1 - DRU/90 Slot 2: Increase Magnification by 20%
Slot 3: Increase Mana by 25 per tick
Slot 4: See Invisible(1)
Slot 5: Ultravision
Sigil of the Moribund
385 1 - NEC/87 Slot 2: Increase (Unknown Calc) Damage Modifier by 14pct
Slot 3: Increase STR by 151
Slot 4: Increase Attack Speed by 70%
Slot 6: Increase AC by 44 (L1) to 79 (L70)
Sigil of the Moribund Rk. II
385 1 - NEC/87 Slot 2: Increase (Unknown Calc) Damage Modifier by 15pct
Slot 3: Increase STR by 171
Slot 4: Increase Attack Speed by 70%
Slot 6: Increase AC by 50 (L1) to 85 (L70)
Sigil of the Moribund Rk. III
385 - - NEC/87 Slot 2: Increase (Unknown Calc) Damage Modifier by 16pct
Slot 3: Increase STR by 183
Slot 4: Increase Attack Speed by 70%
Slot 6: Increase AC by 53 (L1) to 88 (L70)
Mask of the Thicket Dweller
385 1 - DRU/95 Slot 2: Increase Magnification by 20%
Slot 3: Increase Mana by 27 per tick
Slot 4: See Invisible(1)
Slot 5: Ultravision
Mask of the Thicket Dweller Rk. II
385 - - DRU/95 Slot 2: Increase Magnification by 20%
Slot 3: Increase Mana by 29 per tick
Slot 4: See Invisible(1)
Slot 5: Ultravision
Mask of the Thicket Dweller Rk. III
385 - - DRU/95 Slot 2: Increase Magnification by 20%
Slot 3: Increase Mana by 32 per tick
Slot 4: See Invisible(1)
Slot 5: Ultravision
Rotroot Spear Rk. II
385 1 - SHD/74 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1252
Breath of Ultor
385 1 282 SHM/64 Slot 1: Increase Disease Counter by 9
Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 93 (L64) to 170 (L68) per tick
Inspired by the Hunt
385 1 - RNG/100 Slot 1: UnknownEffect360
Inspired by the Hunt Rk. II
385 1 - RNG/100 Slot 1: UnknownEffect360
Inspired by the Hunt Rk. III
385 1 - RNG/100 Slot 1: UnknownEffect360
Mark of the Exemplar Rk. II
385 1 - PAL/99 Slot 1: Decrease Damage Shield by 111
Slot 2: Reverse Damage Shield (191)
Reverent Fury Rk. II
385 1 - PAL/100 Slot 1: Add Proc: Reverent Fury Strike II

Mask of the Bosquetender
385 1 - DRU/100 Slot 2: Increase Magnification by 20%
Slot 3: Increase Mana by 37 per tick
Slot 4: See Invisible(1)
Slot 5: Ultravision
Mask of the Bosquetender Rk. II
385 1 - DRU/100 Slot 2: Increase Magnification by 20%
Slot 3: Increase Mana by 39 per tick
Slot 4: See Invisible(1)
Slot 5: Ultravision
Mask of the Bosquetender Rk. III
385 1 - DRU/100 Slot 2: Increase Magnification by 20%
Slot 3: Increase Mana by 41 per tick
Slot 4: See Invisible(1)
Slot 5: Ultravision
Lava Hurricane
385 - - Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 603
Awestruck Rk. II
385 1 - CLR/71 Slot 1: Stun(8.0 sec/75)
Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 536
Fintar's Retort
386 1 - CLR/90 Slot 1: UnknownEffect374
Slot 7: Add Proc: Fintar's Retort Effect

Cloak of Feathers Rk. III
387 1 - RNG/82 Slot 2: Increase Damage Shield by 27
Slot 3: Increase AC by 97.8
Chaos Conflagration Rk. III
387 1 - WIZ/79 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1627 to 3253 (random)
Wildmagic Blast Rk. II
388 1 - WIZ/81 Slot 1: UnknownEffect340
Slot 2: UnknownEffect340
Slot 3: UnknownEffect340
Slot 4: Hitpoints by 0
Promised Smite Rk. III
388 - - Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 96 (L1) to 376 (L70) per tick
Slot 2: Improved Spell Effect: UndefinedEffect9729
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Source: 17 Jan 2022