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Classes Effects
Solon's Charismatic Concord
0 1 - BRD/59 Slot 1: Increase CHA by 45
Ring of Surefall Glade
150 1 - DRU/15 Slot 1: Teleport to (-209, -391)
, 384 degrees in The Surefall Glade

Gift of Gebron
40 - - Slot 1: Summon Item: Boysenberry pie

Summon Phantom Chain
200 1 - MAG/25 Slot 1: Summon Item: Phantom Satchel

Slot 2: Summon Item Into Bag: Phantom Chain Coif

Slot 3: Summon Item Into Bag: Phantom Chain Coat

Slot 4: Summon Item Into Bag: Phantom Chain Sleeves

Slot 5: Summon Item Into Bag: Phantom Chain Bracer

Slot 6: Summon Item Into Bag: Phantom Chain Bracer

Slot 7: Summon Item Into Bag: Phantom Chain Gloves

Slot 8: Summon Item Into Bag: Phantom Chain Greaves

Slot 9: Summon Item Into Bag: Phantom Chain Boots

Elemental Form: Air
0 - - MAG/254 Slot 1: Illusion: 75
Slot 3: Levitate(1)
Slot 11: See Invisible(1)
Slot 12: Increase All Resists by 10
Talisman of Return
300 1 - MAG/62 Slot 1: Summon Item: Summoned: Talisman of Return

Elaborate Standard of Anger II
0 - - Slot 1: Increase Spell Damage by 1%
Slot 2: Limit: Max Level(75) (lose 10% per level over cap)
Slot 3: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints)
Slot 5: Limit: SpellType(Detrimental only)
Slot 6: Limit: Target(AE PC v1 excluded)
Slot 7: Limit: Target(PB AE excluded)
Slot 8: Limit: Target(Targeted AE excluded)
Slot 9: Limit: Target(Uber Giants excluded)
Slot 10: Limit: Target(Uber Dragons excluded)
Slot 11: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Summon Drogmor
0 1 - Slot 1: Summon Horse: SumLizardWhtSlow1
Protection of Calrena
300 1 - WIZ/64 Slot 1: Mitigate Spell Damage by 25pct until 1280 absorbed
Minor Affliction Efficiency I
0 - - Slot 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 1%
Slot 2: Limit: Max Level(20) (lose 5% per level over cap)
Slot 3: Limit: SpellType(Detrimental only)
Slot 4: Limit: Min Duraction(36 sec)
Slot 5: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints)
Slot 6: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
0 - - Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 1
Ward of Destruction
0 - - WIZ/254 Slot 1: Summon Pets: WARDWizardPet2 x1 for 300sec
Hungry Vines
500 1 - DRU/70 Slot 4: Decrease Movement by -50%
test mana
75 - - Slot 2: Increase Mana by 1000 per tick
Radiant Cure
0 - - CLR/254, DRU/254,
Slot 1: Decrease Curse Counter by 22
Slot 2: Decrease Poison Counter by 22
Slot 3: Decrease Disease Counter by 22
Slot 4: Remove Detrimental(950)
Hateful Guard
0 28 - Slot 2: Increase Damage Shield by 25
Staunch Recovery
0 - - WAR/254, CLR/254,
PAL/254, RNG/254,
SHD/254, DRU/254,
MNK/254, ROG/254,
SHM/254, NEC/254,
WIZ/254, MAG/254,
ENC/254, BST/254,
Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 500000
Slot 2: Increase Mana by 500000
Slot 3: Increase Endurance by 500000 per tick
0 - - Slot 1: Decrease Mana by UnknownCalc132
Standard of the Scarecrow
0 - - Slot 1: Illusion: 82
Use Ability
0 59 - Slot 1: Increase CHA by 1
Power Surge
0 - - Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 12000
Abundant Healing
0 - - CLR/254 Slot 3: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 50 per tick
Jailor's Fury
0 - - Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 4000 to 6000 (random)
Flame Breath
0 - - Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 5000
Earthen Strength
250 1 - MAG/55 Slot 1: UnknownEffect351
Witchfire Curse
0 - - Slot 1: Decrease HP when cast by 100
Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 50 per tick
Slot 3: Increase Curse Counter by 10
Call of the Griffon
0 - - Slot 1: Decrease HP when cast by 12000
Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 2250 per tick
Slot 3: Silence
Cure Corruption Rk. II
75 1 - PAL/75, DRU/71,
Slot 1: UnknownEffect369
Circle of Blightfire Moors
300 1 - DRU/20 Slot 1: Teleport to (287, 1267)
, 425 degrees in Blightfire Moors

Sworn Protector Rk. II
938 1 - PAL/75 Slot 1: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 3 is effect 'Max Hitpoints' and < 1831
Slot 2: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1831
Slot 3: Increase HP when cast by 1831
Slot 4: Increase AC by 88.2
Slot 5: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 3 is effect 'Max Hitpoints' and < 1831
Denon's Dirge of Destruction Rk. III
2154 1 - BRD/75 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1347
Concussive Blast Recourse
0 - - Slot 1: UnknownEffect340
Slot 2: UnknownEffect340
Slot 3: UnknownEffect340
Dragonslayer Rk. II
0 - - Slot 1: Skill Attack (625)
Wolf Pack
0 - - Slot 1: Increase Accuracy by 10pct
Disorienting Fog
0 - - Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1000
Slot 2: Shadowstep(1)
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Source: 17 Jan 2022