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Classes Effects
Syllable of Magic Rk. II
0 - - Slot 1: UnknownEffect303
Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 540 per tick
Slot 3: Limit: Min Cast Time(3.0 sec)
Slot 4: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints)
Slot 5: Limit: SpellType(Detrimental only)
Slot 6: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Slot 7: Limit: Max Level(85) (lose 5% per level over cap)
Slot 8: UnknownEffect348
Slot 9: Limit: Resist Magic allowed
Blazing Tempest
0 - - Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 5000
Fire DD Bonus 15
0 - - Slot 1: UnknownEffect286
Slot 2: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints)
Slot 3: Limit: Min Level(76)
Slot 4: Limit: Max Level(85) (lose 5% per level over cap)
Slot 5: Limit: SpellType(Detrimental only)
Slot 6: Limit: Target(AE PC v1 excluded)
Slot 7: Limit: Target(PB AE excluded)
Slot 8: Limit: Target(Targeted AE excluded)
Slot 9: Limit: Target(Uber Giants excluded)
Slot 10: Limit: Instant spells only
Slot 11: UnknownEffect348
Slot 12: Limit: Resist Fire allowed
Glass of Absinthe
0 1 - Slot 1: Drunk if Alcholol Tolerance is below 150
Slot 2: Decrease Magnification by -60%
Slot 3: See Invisible(1)
Slot 6: Increase Mana by 10 per tick
WAR All Hate Mod
0 5 - Slot 1: Increase Aggro Multiplier by 22%
Percussion Resonance 7
0 - - Slot 1: UnknownEffect413
Slot 2: UnknownEffect411
Slot 3: UnknownEffect414
Bottle of Spirits III
0 1 - Slot 5: Increase Mana by 1 per tick
Slot 8: Increase Hitpoints by 2 per tick
Magma Skin
0 - - Slot 1: Increase Damage Shield by 150
Brell's Rest Gate
150 2 - WIZ/80 Slot 1: Teleport to (-619, -23)
, 3 degrees in Brell's Rest

Pyrilen Burn Poison Strike V
0 - - Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by UnknownCalc2022
Slot 2: Decrease Hate by UnknownCalc2016
Autarchian Mindwrack Rk. III
300 1 - BRD/85 Slot 1: Add Defensive Proc: Autarchian Shrilling III

Esmeralda's Blue Oath
0 - - Slot 1: Mesmerize(1/90)
Slot 2: Increase Curse Counter by 20
Slot 3: Decrease Hitpoints by 2000 per tick
Slot 4: Decrease Mana by 1000 per tick
Deadly Injection
0 - - Slot 1: Decrease Movement by -30%
Slot 2: UnknownEffect371
Slot 3: Decrease Hitpoints by 6200 per tick
Gathering Rage
0 - - Slot 1: Increase Absorb Damage by 40000
Recourse of Life
0 - - CLR/254 Slot 1: Increase HP when cast by 500
Slot 5: Mitigate Melee Damage by 10pct until 2200 absorbed
Strike of Venom X
0 2 - Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1050
Bottle of Alacrity II
0 - - Slot 1: Increase Attack Speed by 10%
Slot 2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is effect 'UndefinedEffect011' and < 100000
Pulse of Disease II
0 - - Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 140 per tick
Sympathetic Surge of Corruption VIII
0 2 - Slot 1: UnknownEffect383
Slot 2: Limit: SpellType(Detrimental only)
Slot 3: UnknownEffect348
Slot 4: Limit: Min Level(70)
Slot 5: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Slot 6: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints)
Type3 FC Thirteenth Salve
0 1 - Slot 1: UnknownEffect396
Slot 2: UnknownEffect385
Flash of Anger Effect III
0 - - WAR/87 Slot 1: Increase Chance to Parry by 10000pct
Lesson of Repentance
140 1 - PAL/87 Slot 1: Stun(10.0 sec/93)
Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 436
Slot 3: Decrease Hitpoints by 392
Bond of Malthiasiss Recourse
10 - - SHD/86 Slot 6: Increase Hitpoints by 286 per tick
Argent Frost Heal III
10 - - DRU/89 Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 3402
Sotor's Chant of Flame Rk. II
0 - - BRD/90 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 362 (L1) to 397 (L70) per tick
Slot 4: UnknownEffect340
Divert Essence
993 1 - NEC/86 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 2722
Freezing Snap Chill
0 - - Slot 1: UnknownEffect303
Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 603 per tick
Slot 3: Limit: Min Cast Time(3.0 sec)
Slot 4: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints)
Slot 5: Limit: SpellType(Detrimental only)
Slot 6: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Slot 7: Limit: Max Level(90) (lose 5% per level over cap)
Slot 8: UnknownEffect348
Spectral Symbiosis Rk. II
0 1 - MAG/90 Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 3721
Neivr's Aggression
768 1 - BST/86 Slot 3: Max HP change by (-4)
Slot 4: UnknownEffect416
Slot 6: Increase Chance to Hit by 20pct with Backstab
Slot 7: Decrease Aggro Multiplier by -11%
Slot 11: Increase (Unknown Calc) Minimum Damage Modifier by 6pct
MRC - Caster Damage Focus Tier II - lvl 86 - 20%
0 - - Slot 1: Increase Spell Damage by 20%
Slot 2: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints)
Slot 3: Limit: SpellType(Detrimental only)
Slot 4: Limit: Target(AE PC v1 excluded)
Slot 5: Limit: Target(PB AE excluded)
Slot 6: Limit: Target(Targeted AE excluded)
Slot 7: Limit: Target(Uber Giants excluded)
Slot 8: Limit: Target(Uber Dragons excluded)
Slot 9: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
Edict of Command
0 - - ENC/254 Slot 1: Charm(16/90)
Scorching Eruption
0 - - Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 3000 per tick
Slot 2: Decrease HP when cast by 22000
Slot 3: UnknownEffect369
Venerating Strike Rk. II
0 - - Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 2690
Burst of Splendor Rk. II
2080 1 - PAL/93 Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 7488
Ghoul Skin Rk. II
457 1 - SHD/91 Slot 3: Increase Damage Shield by 50
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Source: 17 Jan 2022