Name | Mana | Classes | Effects | |||
Type3 FC Blistering Shadow | 0 | 1 | - | Slot 1: UnknownEffect303 Slot 2: UnknownEffect385 |
Vanquishing Strike Rk. II | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 2063 |
Aurora of Daybreak Rk. II | 0 | 1 | - | PAL/90 | Slot 1: UnknownEffect400 Slot 2: UnknownEffect374 |
Repulsive Sacrifice | 1232 | 1 | - | SHD/88 | Slot 1: UnknownEffect374 Slot 2: UnknownEffect374 |
Adrenaline Blast Rk. III | 1921 | 1 | - | DRU/90 | Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 9658 (L1) to 10358 (L70) Slot 2: UnknownEffect340 |
Fleet-Footed Discipline Rk. III | 0 | - | - | ROG/89 | Slot 2: Increase Chance to Avoid Melee by 74pct |
Ninavero's Swift Deconstruction Rk. II | 1453 | 1 | - | NEC/87 | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 4326 per tick Slot 2: Increase Curse Counter by 12 Slot 3: Decrease Hitpoints by 1514 per tick |
Ethereal Glaciation | 2482 | 1 | - | WIZ/89 | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 12399 |
Rune of Novak Rk. II | 1024 | 1 | - | ENC/86 | Slot 1: Increase Absorb Damage by 12958 |
Sarsez' Bite Rk. II | 1418 | 1 | - | BST/88 | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 5825 |
Warder's Gift | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 10000 |
Massive Fist | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 46000 to 68000 (random) |
Pure Waters | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 6000000 |
Elysian Intervention Rk. II | 1557 | 1 | - | CLR/93 | Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints by 11716 Slot 2: UnknownEffect374 |
Aurora of Splendor Rk. III | 0 | 1 | - | PAL/95 | Slot 1: UnknownEffect400 Slot 2: UnknownEffect374 |
Gift of Urash Rk. III | 1000 | - | - | SHD/93 | Slot 2: Increase (Unknown Calc) Damage Modifier by 10pct Slot 3: Increase STR by 234 Slot 4: Increase Attack Speed by 67% Slot 6: Increase AC by 63 |
Sunscorch | 1175 | 1 | - | DRU/94 | Slot 1: Increase Curse Counter by 16 Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 1074 (L1) to 1354 (L70) per tick |
Marked Effect | 0 | - | - | Slot 12: Skill Damage Taken (19) |
Ulork's Decay Rk. II | 1346 | - | - | NEC/91 | Slot 1: Increase Disease Counter by 18 Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 888 (L1) to 1030 (L70) per tick |
Frost Snap | 1762 | 1 | - | WIZ/93 | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 9742 |
Ruthless Servant | 2994 | 1 | - | MAG/95 | Slot 1: Summon Pets: RuthlessServant x1 for 18sec Slot 2: Decrease Hitpoints by 1 |
Issuance of Mana Repercussion Rk. III | 1652 | 1 | - | ENC/95 | Slot 1: UnknownEffect351 |
Gift of the Grave Effect | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Illusion: 471 |
Ripple of Rot | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 19500 |
Lydian Octave | 0 | - | - | BRD/254 | Slot 1: UnknownEffect286 Slot 3: Limit: Min Level(80) Slot 4: Limit: Max Level(95) (lose 5% per level over cap) Slot 5: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed Slot 7: UnknownEffect348 Slot 8: Limit: SpellType(Detrimental only) Slot 9: Limit: Instant spells only Slot 11: UnknownEffect220 |
Perfected Blades | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Summon Pets: SOOProgQ3SwordAdd x5 for 18sec Slot 2: UnknownEffect382 Slot 3: UnknownEffect382 |
The Pillar of the Black | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Increase Spell Damage by 40% Slot 2: Limit: SpellType(Detrimental only) Slot 9: UnknownEffect382 Slot 12: UnknownEffect382 |
Wretched Rhetoric | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Decrease HP when cast by 26000 Slot 2: UnknownEffect358 Slot 3: Decrease Hitpoints by 13000 per tick Slot 4: Decrease Mana by 3500 per tick Slot 5: Increase Curse Counter by 20 |
MRC - Caster Damage Focus Tier V - lvl 95 - 200% | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Increase Spell Damage by 200% Slot 2: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints) Slot 3: Limit: SpellType(Detrimental only) Slot 4: Limit: Target(AE PC v1 excluded) Slot 5: Limit: Target(PB AE excluded) Slot 6: Limit: Target(Targeted AE excluded) Slot 7: Limit: Target(Uber Giants excluded) Slot 8: Limit: Target(Uber Dragons excluded) Slot 9: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed |
Corruptive Crud DOT | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 35000 per tick Slot 2: UnknownEffect382 |
Rallosian Goblin Fortitude | 0 | - | - | Slot 12: UnknownEffect416 |
Bottle of Spirits XVI | 0 | 1 | - | Slot 5: Increase Mana by 18 per tick Slot 8: Increase Hitpoints by 18 per tick |
Pulse of Flames XV | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 900 per tick |
Unbearable Wounds | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Decrease HP when cast by 38462 Slot 2: UnknownEffect358 Slot 3: Decrease Endurance by -3000 Slot 4: UnknownEffect343 Slot 5: Decrease Movement by -20% |
Battle Combat Focus | 0 | - | - | Slot 1: Increase Spell Damage by 296% Slot 2: Limit: SpellType(Detrimental only) |