Water Elemental Form IV - General Info
Water Elemental Form IV
Classes: MAG/254
Mana :0
Duration: 3 min @L1 to 36 min @L12
Slot 1: Illusion: 75
Slot 2: Water Breathing
Slot 11: Decrease Stamina Loss by 5
Slot 12: Increase Mana by 4 per tick
Cast on you: You begin to sweat profusely as you turn into a Water Elemental
Cast on other: Someone begins to sweat profusely as they turn into a Water Elemental.
Wears off: You return to your normal form.
Classes: MAG/254
Mana :0
Duration: 3 min @L1 to 36 min @L12
Slot 1: Illusion: 75
Slot 2: Water Breathing
Slot 11: Decrease Stamina Loss by 5
Slot 12: Increase Mana by 4 per tick
Cast on you: You begin to sweat profusely as you turn into a Water Elemental
Cast on other: Someone begins to sweat profusely as they turn into a Water Elemental.
Wears off: You return to your normal form.
Casting Time: 8.0 Recast Time: 120.0 Recovery Time: 1.5 Skill: Divination Spell Type: Beneficial Target Type: Self Only Resist: None (no adjust) | Interruptable: Yes Deleteable: No Dispellable: Yes Time of day: Any Location: Any |
Quest Source: 28 May 2022