Theoris Bladespur
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Level: 32
Agro Radius: 70
Run Speed: 1.25
Defensive Stats:
AC: 136
HP: 1344
HP Regen: 1
Mana Regen: 0
Offensive Stats:
Attacks per round: 2
Attack delay: 30
Damage per hit: 13 - 68
Accuracy: 0
STR: 103
STA: 103
DEX: 103
AGI: 103
INT: 103
WIS: 103
CHA: 103
COLD: 13
FIRE: 13
Primary Faction:
Faction Hits:
Enters Combat:
Theoris Bladespur curls his lip and draws his blades in a professional, intimidating quickness, 'You will soon know to regret the arrogance of your ways, little one -- and how unfortunate that your regret will be so short lived in the last seconds of your life.'
After Death:
Theoris Bladespur drops his weapons and gives a brief, muffled growl that sprays a light mist of blood from his lips as he falls dead to the ground.
Summon Enrage Rampage Area Rampage Flurry Triple Attack Quad Attack Dual Wield Bane Attack Magical Attack Ranged Attack Unslowable Unmezable Uncharmable Unstunable Unsnareable Unfearable Immune to Dispell Immune to Melee Immune to Magic Immune to Fleeing Immune to Non-Bane Damage Immune to Non-Magical Damage Never Aggro Immune Target Immune to Casting from Range Immune to Feign Death Immune to Taunt Tunnel Vision Doesn't Assist Allies Immune to Pacify Leash to Aggro Range, Full Heal, Memory Wipe Leash to Aggro Range Destructible Object Immune to Client Attacks Flee Flee Percentage Allow Beneficial Disable Melee Chase Distance Allow To Tank Ignore Root Aggro Rules Casting Resist Diff Counter Avoid Damage Proximity Aggro Immune to Ranged Attack Max Special Attack See Invis See Invis Undead See Hide See Improved Hide Trackable Findable Attacks Other NPC Quest NPC Unique SpawnQuest Source: 28 May 2022