Prophecy of Vah: A History of the Vah Shir Vol.II - General Info

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Book Contents
The Splintered Age
Much suffering had been felt
during the time of the
splintered tribes. In battle
Partha had been mortally
wounded. In remorse for what
he had done to cause such
blood, Partha tore the fangs
from his mouth and gave them
to the wisest of his sons,
Ratha Shir, and spoke to him.
Much suffering had been felt
during the time of the
splintered tribes. In battle
Partha had been mortally
wounded. In remorse for what
he had done to cause such
blood, Partha tore the fangs
from his mouth and gave them
to the wisest of his sons,
Ratha Shir, and spoke to him.
page 1
"You are not my heir, but you
are the wisest of your kin.
You must show these to your
brothers and tell them they
must battle no more. You must
lead them with wisdom." But
when Ratha had done as his
father had asked, he was
slain by his eldest of
brothers in secrecy. The
years of war and death raged
are the wisest of your kin.
You must show these to your
brothers and tell them they
must battle no more. You must
lead them with wisdom." But
when Ratha had done as his
father had asked, he was
slain by his eldest of
brothers in secrecy. The
years of war and death raged
page 2
Safra, daughter of Faern
Kajek, went to the Shir to
ask for peace once more. It
was then that Vahaan, son
of Partha, was taken by her
beauty. Vahaan and Nairu
agreed to peace for Vahaan
was nearby when Partha had
spoke to his uncle Ratha. But
he was the youngest of his
kin and knew they would slay
page 3
him for his thoughts. Vahaan
took the fangs of Partha and
Nairu journeyed with him to
the lands of Shahar to ask
the spirits for guidance.
Many years passed and many
kinsman lay slain upon the
fields. On the day that the
moon returned, the mists rose
from the great veil. Kejaan
Kerrath stepped forth from
the mist with Vahaan and
took the fangs of Partha and
Nairu journeyed with him to
the lands of Shahar to ask
the spirits for guidance.
Many years passed and many
kinsman lay slain upon the
fields. On the day that the
moon returned, the mists rose
from the great veil. Kejaan
Kerrath stepped forth from
the mist with Vahaan and
page 4
Safra at his side. "It is the
wise one!" They cried out.
The Kerrans saw that this was
good, but some Shahar and
Karani took their leave and
vanished to the lands. All
that chose to remain were
united as one as the prophecy
claimed. The golden Age had
The Kingdom on Odus
wise one!" They cried out.
The Kerrans saw that this was
good, but some Shahar and
Karani took their leave and
vanished to the lands. All
that chose to remain were
united as one as the prophecy
claimed. The golden Age had
The Kingdom on Odus
page 5
Kejaan chose the wildest from
the clan of the Shir, those
who were outsiders of their
kin. From them he made his
nobles and warriors. Kejaan
took the wisest from the clan
of Kajek. From them he made
his shaman and advisors.
Kejaan took the quickest from
the clan of Shahar, from them
he made his hunters and
page 6
farmers. The children of
Nairu, the Karani, became the
servants of the kingdom.
United, the Komiyat Kerrath
prospered for many years.
Kejaan built his palace of
gold within the claws of the
four fingered paw.
Nairu, the Karani, became the
servants of the kingdom.
United, the Komiyat Kerrath
prospered for many years.
Kejaan built his palace of
gold within the claws of the
four fingered paw.
page 7
Quest Source: 28 May 2022