Letters of Jonas Vol. 6 - General Info

WT: 0.1 Size: TINY
Class: NONE
Race: NONE
Item type: Gems
Icon: 778
Model: IT63
Book Contents
Herbs, and their uses.
Many do not believe in the power
of the herb, just as I have no
tolerance for the ignorant. Here
are some of the more common herbs
and the uses I have found for
them. Perhaps by testing things
out for yourself you can come up
with some useful concoctions.
Many do not believe in the power
of the herb, just as I have no
tolerance for the ignorant. Here
are some of the more common herbs
and the uses I have found for
them. Perhaps by testing things
out for yourself you can come up
with some useful concoctions.
page 1
Lucerne: Years ago my brother
Piter grew weak from practicing
his summoning. A little of this
fixed him right up.
Sage Leaf: I have found this to
be very useful for keeping your
wits about you. I put this in
tea for the nighttime patrolling
guards in Tox, keeps them awake.
page 2
Birthwart: Often given to babies
with ear infections, this herb
keeps the inner ear fluids in
proper order.
Fenugreek: This herb has many
uses. It sharpens reflexes and
improves hand-eye coordination.
I often give it to the young
Shadow Knights when they are
testing to become true seekers
of the dark truth.
with ear infections, this herb
keeps the inner ear fluids in
proper order.
Fenugreek: This herb has many
uses. It sharpens reflexes and
improves hand-eye coordination.
I often give it to the young
Shadow Knights when they are
testing to become true seekers
of the dark truth.
page 3
Maidenhair Fern: This little
fern seems to have the most
wonderful effects on ones
emotions and I often use it for
making my secret love potions.
Mandrake Root: This is a very
potent herb. It is said that
even the essence of magic itself
shies away from the extract of
this root.
page 4
Allspice: I have used this herb
more times than you can imagine.
Whenever I burn myself on the
side of my cauldron I use
Allspice extract to soothe the
burn and quell the pain.
Benzoin: I don't know for sure
but this herb is rumored to
actually raise the body
temperature and is used to
treat frostbite.
more times than you can imagine.
Whenever I burn myself on the
side of my cauldron I use
Allspice extract to soothe the
burn and quell the pain.
Benzoin: I don't know for sure
but this herb is rumored to
actually raise the body
temperature and is used to
treat frostbite.
page 5
Nightshade: Although poisonous
by nature, if used correctly it
can actually prevent the effects
of most poisons.
Mullein: Many people hang this
herb above their beds. It is
believed to keep the minions of
page 6
Quest Source: 28 May 2022