Advanced Armor Tinkering Manual - General Info

WT: 0.1 Size: TINY
Class: NONE
Race: NONE
Item type: Gems
Icon: 683
Model: IT63
Book Contents
Advanced Tinkering Manual
Greetings Gnomes! I am
pleased to share with all of
you my research thus far on
upgrading Clockwork Watchman
armor into two sets of sturdy
armor more befitting of a
Gnome! I first noticed that
the need for a set of
Chainmail was needed for the
Shadowwalkers, the assassins
Greetings Gnomes! I am
pleased to share with all of
you my research thus far on
upgrading Clockwork Watchman
armor into two sets of sturdy
armor more befitting of a
Gnome! I first noticed that
the need for a set of
Chainmail was needed for the
Shadowwalkers, the assassins
page 1
of Ak'Anon. To begin with I
needed a set of gears that
would replace the old ones, a
set that would never wear
down. To make them I took a
normal gear and braced it
inside of my toolbox then
poured Celestial Temper onto
it. For each gear I did this
to it would suddenly start to
glow and edges sharpen.
needed a set of gears that
would replace the old ones, a
set that would never wear
down. To make them I took a
normal gear and braced it
inside of my toolbox then
poured Celestial Temper onto
it. For each gear I did this
to it would suddenly start to
glow and edges sharpen.
page 2
Next I would need some temper
to color the armor just the
right hue. To make it
something to be proud of I
used Minotaur Blood as the
prime ingredient. I then
added Firewater and Gnomish
Spirits. After brewing these
three together I got a nice
metallic colored temper.
I then began to work on the
to color the armor just the
right hue. To make it
something to be proud of I
used Minotaur Blood as the
prime ingredient. I then
added Firewater and Gnomish
Spirits. After brewing these
three together I got a nice
metallic colored temper.
I then began to work on the
page 3
Shadowwalker armor! Taking
the Clockwork Watchman armor I
placed it inside of a Small
Chainmail Pattern appropriate
to the armor piece. I then
tinkered an imbued ruby or
imbued black sapphire into the
piece of armor. All the while
also pouring on the metallic
temper and fitting the imbued
gears into place. Here is a
list of the number gears
the Clockwork Watchman armor I
placed it inside of a Small
Chainmail Pattern appropriate
to the armor piece. I then
tinkered an imbued ruby or
imbued black sapphire into the
piece of armor. All the while
also pouring on the metallic
temper and fitting the imbued
gears into place. Here is a
list of the number gears
page 4
needed for each part:
Coif: Two gears.
Tunic: Three gears.
Sleeves: Three gears.
Bracelet: One gear.
Gloves: Two gears.
Pants: Three gears.
Boots: One gear.
After all that hard work a
full set of Clockwork
Coif: Two gears.
Tunic: Three gears.
Sleeves: Three gears.
Bracelet: One gear.
Gloves: Two gears.
Pants: Three gears.
Boots: One gear.
After all that hard work a
full set of Clockwork
page 5
Shadowwalker Armor was
created! Not only was it
reinforced with power but also
it kept the ability of the
original armor piece intact.
Using a class five battery
will recharge it should the
power run out.
Finally I began to work on the
set of armor that I named
Clockwork Observer's Armor. I
created! Not only was it
reinforced with power but also
it kept the ability of the
original armor piece intact.
Using a class five battery
will recharge it should the
power run out.
Finally I began to work on the
set of armor that I named
Clockwork Observer's Armor. I
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used all the same ingredients
that I did for the
Shadowwalker armor, but
substituted Small Plate Molds
that I did for the
Shadowwalker armor, but
substituted Small Plate Molds
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Quest Source: 28 May 2022