Dusty Kobold Scroll - General Info
WT: 0.1 Size: TINY
Class: NONE
Race: NONE
Item type: Gems
Icon: 504
Model: IT63
Book Contents
In the time of scale a
powerful shaman gifted by
Brell with the insight needed
to unite the ancient tribes
rose to power. Under the
guidance of King Gkar the
ancients developed new
techniques of forging ore,
replacing old tools with new.
Brells most devoted kobolds
refined shamanistic rituals
to harness the powers of the
powerful shaman gifted by
Brell with the insight needed
to unite the ancient tribes
rose to power. Under the
guidance of King Gkar the
ancients developed new
techniques of forging ore,
replacing old tools with new.
Brells most devoted kobolds
refined shamanistic rituals
to harness the powers of the
page 1
Plane of Underfoot, blessing
the miners with divine
strength and speed, and
resistances to the harsh
volcanic and frozen regions
of their subterranean world.
The united ancient tribes
constructed a city for their
king.The capital of Kolbok
was constructed and many
monuments were erected to
King Gkar and his patron,
the miners with divine
strength and speed, and
resistances to the harsh
volcanic and frozen regions
of their subterranean world.
The united ancient tribes
constructed a city for their
king.The capital of Kolbok
was constructed and many
monuments were erected to
King Gkar and his patron,
page 2
Brell Serilis.
page 3
Quest Source: 28 May 2022