| Written by: Sorvani (Koro on PEQ TGC)
| Last Modified: 09/02/2010
| This macro will delay speak something with all members of your group.
| Obviously if you are trying to set the delay to 0 seconds you do not need this macro,
| just use /bcaa //say BLAH BLAH BLAH
| Parameter 1: Delay in seconds between target command and character's speech
| Parameter 2: channel to use (say g gu ttell)
| Parameter 3-7: text to say. If the text is more than five words surround it in quotes. example: "Please bind my soul you sexy NPC"
| If you say more than 5 words without quoting it, it WILL truncate your phrase to 5 words.
| If you have Rytan targeted in Gloomingdeep, the above command would get him to buff your entire party.
| /macro delaytalk.mac 1 say blessed
| Have soul binder bind you.
| /macro delaytalk.mac 1 say bind my soul
| useful for player created buff bots have your team /ttell your target
| /macro delaytalk.mac 10 ttell ds
| i recommend creating an alias for your most common usages such as 1 second in /say.
| /alias /dt1 /mac delaytalk 1 say
| now /dt1 blessed would replace the above example for Rytan
| This next one I use to stagger my hails so I can what the bot screens more closely for
| the character flag text or whatever event the hail is supposed to cause.
| /alias /dh /mac delaytalk 1 hail
|Set these two constants to whatever channels you prefer to use.
|Some people like /bc instead of bct, but it works the same either way.
#define ERR_CHAN "/echo"
#define CMD_CHAN "/bct"
Sub Main
/declare GroupLoop int local 0
/declare TargetID int local ${Target.ID}
/declare TargetDelay string local
/declare TalkChan string local
/declare TalkThis string local
/declare TalkPerson string local
/if (!${TargetID}) {
ERR_CHAN you must have a target before using this macro, exiting ${Macro.Name}.
/if (${Defined[Param0]}) {
/vardata TargetDelay Param0
/if (${TargetDelay}==0) {
ERR_CHAN RTFM please. You know, all that text at the top of the macro...
} else {
|delay between each character was not speicifed, inform user and exit
ERR_CHAN No delay specified, exiting ${Macro.Name}.
/if (${Defined[Param1]}) {
/vardata TalkChan Param1
} else {
|channel to use was not specified, inform user and exit
ERR_CHAN No talk channel specified, exiting ${Macro.Name}.
|if the talk channel was hail then no other text will be used
/if (!${TalkChan.Equal[hail]}) {
|if the talk channel was anything else, then accept up to 5 unquoted words as the text to say
/if (${Defined[Param6]}) {
/varset TalkThis ${Param2} ${Param3} ${Param4} ${Param5} ${Param6}
} else /if (${Defined[Param5]}) {
/varset TalkThis ${Param2} ${Param3} ${Param4} ${Param5}
} else /if (${Defined[Param4]}) {
/varset TalkThis ${Param2} ${Param3} ${Param4}
} else /if (${Defined[Param3]}) {
/varset TalkThis ${Param2} ${Param3}
} else /if (${Defined[Param2]}) {
/varset TalkThis ${Param2}
} else {
|nothing to say was specified, inform user and exit
ERR_CHAN No talk text specified, exiting ${Macro.Name}.
|the loop counts backwards to ensure the person running the macro doesn't zone first
|as a result of the command or some other such event.
|/mac delaytalk say Nedaria would break if the person running the macro zoned first.
/for GroupLoop ${Group.Members} downto 0
|Get the name of the group memeber who will be speaking
/vardata TalkPerson Group.Member[${GroupLoop}].Name
|clear that group member's current target
CMD_CHAN ${TalkPerson} //squelch /target clear
|quick delay for gui
/delay 1
|have the group member target the macro user's target
CMD_CHAN ${TalkPerson} //target ID ${TargetID}
|If this is the first person in the macro, no need to delay the full delay.
|just wait 1s for target aquisition. The point of the full delay is to wait
|for the target to finish doing whatever they do in response to your text,
|the delay is not just for targeting purposes.
/if (${GroupLoop}==${Group.Members}) {
/delay 1s
} else {
/delay ${TargetDelay}s
|have the group member speak the text to the targeted NPC/PC
CMD_CHAN ${TalkPerson} //${TalkChan} ${TalkThis}
/next GroupLoop