This will allow the user to dynamically change the distance the character can see. Different settings can be made for foreground and background viewing. This can save resources and enable the botting of additional characters.
This currently is only working on Titanium, additional research needs to be done for it to function properly on SoD and Underfoot.
You shouldn't have to interact with the ini file in order to use this.
This will force a reloading of the INI file.
/clip global fg|bg <1-3000>
This will set the distance to be used by all characters that are loaded. Executing this will update the character you execute it on, but to see the results on other character you must wait for your next reload, or execute /clip to force a reload of the ini.
/clip global on|off
This will enable or disable the plugin for all characters that are loaded. Executing this will update the character you execute it on, but to see the results on other character you must wait for your next reload, or execute /clip to force a reload of the ini.
/clip character fg|bg <1-3000>
This will set the distance to be used by the current character only. If this is set it always overrides the global value.
/clip character on|off
This will enable/disable the plugin on the current character only. If this is set it always overrides the global value.
/clip help
Displays a much briefer form of this file to the EQ window.
Gold Membership
This does require a gold membership to use. Because of this you'll need to have MQ2VMQNet Loaded, and have type /login <user> <pass>, or have set your user and pass in the VMQNet INI file for autologin. You can sign up for membership here.
Only available on Titanium
It can be used on Titanium only at the moment. The previous versions of this were available on the other builds, but did not behave in a useful manner. When time permits
Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:53 pm
Project Lead