Character Browser Character Browser wierdness on my server
Character Browser wierdness on my server
Hi! Love the work you've done so far with the Character Browser. I've installed it on my server, and it works great for all characters by mine. When I attempt to load my character's data, the item.php file seems to break. After a bit of doctoring to the item.php file, I was able to get the "message_die" statement to display useful information:

More +
SELECT name FROM races WHERE id=217
TABLE 'everquest.races' doesn't exist

I'm not sure how or why it's attempting to find something in a "races" table only for my character, but there isn't one (naturally).

Any ideas on how to fix this?
Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:35 pm
Never mind. I found that I had an everquest.editor_races table that had a list of all the races in game. To work around this issue, I copied everquest.editor_races to everquest.races.

I'm still curious as to why I would look for that particular table for my character and not for any of the other characters on my server though.
Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:46 pm
That is pretty odd.... the peq database used to come with a races table since all races on items and everything else are saved as just an integer... so it references that table to get race. Item.php does all the crunching to generate the HTML for the litle item popups when you click an item... so it queries the races table to get things like bane damage. I would take a guess that your particular character has some kind of item with a race modifier.. like +5 to shissar... or something like that.

I'll hit cavedude up sometime and see if this table was removed for some reason from the newer db releases
Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:50 pm
Project Lead
Ok, lucky guess, 217 is shissar... you probably have some kind of shissar bane or something. As to why you didn't have the table... i'm not really sure. I made the post on PEQ a few minutes ago asking if they removed to table. Will post when I hear back.
Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:54 pm
Project Lead
yeah. I guess it isn't included in the PEQ DB build, but most people incidentally have it from installing one tool or another. He said he would add it next time he updated the SVN. Thanks for givin me a heads up on this... I had always just assumed it was there.
Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:25 am
Project Lead

Yeah, my toon has a few weapons from ssratemple, and 217 is indeed shissar. No one else on my server has progressed that far yet... I guess that answer's that!

Thanks for checking this out!
Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:08 am
Character Browser Character Browser wierdness on my server