Public Macros What's wrong with this Macro line?
What's wrong with this Macro line?
/multiline ; /invite Bot name1 ; /invite Botname2 ; /invite Botname3 ; /invite Botname4 ; /invite Botname5

It only invite the last bot in the chain.

I'm looking to spawn 5 bots (that line works), and invite them to my group (with one line). Pretty sure I have had it work before, but can't find the right syntax this time.
Thu Apr 05, 2018 2:24 pm
Credit to Maskoi, I didn’t come up with this. Not positive but it sounds like it’s maybe a problem with EQ keeping up with the invite requests. Sounds like your basically spamming the server with invites so fast it doesn’t work. He said this works:

/multiline ; /timed 10 /bct toonA //invite ToonB ; /timed 10 /bct toonA //bct ${Me} //invite toonA ; /timed 20 /bca //invite

I don’t get why it needs to be that complicated... might play with it.
Thu Apr 05, 2018 4:52 pm
Project Lead
I'll play with it a bit, but this looks like this is telling one of your live Alts to invite another Alt.

Using this :

/multiline ; /timed 10 //invite Bot1 ; /timed 20 //invite bot2 ; /timed 30 //invite Bot3 ; /timed 40 //invite Bot4 ; /timed 50 //invite Bot5

Gave this error :

DoCommand Couldn't parse //invite BOTNAME1
DoCommand Couldn't parse //invite BOTNAME2

.. etc..
Fri Apr 06, 2018 10:25 am
The //invite is working with using /bct to send the command to a specific character through eqbc, if you are just doing it on the character themselves make it just /invite
Fri Apr 06, 2018 11:16 am
I tried with just "/timed 10 /invite" and only the last bot in the chain (of 5) joined.
Fri Apr 06, 2018 3:43 pm
I wasn't ever able to get it to work with a single line multiline inviting the whole group. The reason I was trying to get it to work was to have a single hotkey to invite 3 groups of six for a total of 18 characters. I did find a way to accomplish this with multiline, but it wasn't by inviting a group at a time in multiline.

Group one leader is toon1
Group two leader is toon7
Group three leader is toon13

/multiline ; /bct toon7 //invite toon8 ; /bct toon13 //invite toon14 ; /invite toon2
/multiline ; /bct toon7 //invite toon9 ; /bct toon13 //invite toon15 ; /invite toon3
/mulitline ; /bct toon7 //invite toon10 ; /bct toon13 //invite toon16 ; /invite toon4
/multiline ; /bct toon7 //invite toon11 ; /bct toon13 //invite toon17 ; /invite toon5
/multiline ; /bct toon7 //invite toon12 ; /bct toon13 //invite toon18 ; /invite toon6

I had to issue the /invite command from the main character's calls on the end of the multiline or it would always miss the invite on the first toon it tried to invite. For whatever reason, issuing the bct commands before the /invite command seems to have corrected the issue and it works for me.

I'm not sure if that answers the question you were asking at all, Zatty, but I just wanted to relay my experience with trying to use multiline with invites
Last edited by cehoyt on Sat Apr 07, 2018 4:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
Sat Apr 07, 2018 1:29 pm
Yup. It appears you can only /invite one toon (or bot) per line.
Sat Apr 07, 2018 4:10 pm
You CAN add more than one toon per line, I encountered this error myself. I combed through some random forums and found that (;) had to directly follow the Toon's name and NOT put a space after it before (;)

Example -

/multiline ; /invite Toon; /invite Toon; /invite Toon; /invite Toon; /invite Toon etc etc etc...
/pause 10
/bca //invite

Try that, it should work just fine for however many toons you are trying to invite.
Sun Apr 08, 2018 10:16 am
Awesome! Thank you Shadowman! That worked.
Sun Apr 08, 2018 11:23 am
Nice save shadowman
Sun Apr 08, 2018 3:36 pm
Project Lead
Public Macros What's wrong with this Macro line?