- Installation
- Update History
- login
- logged
This plugin replaces the now deprecated MQ2VMQNet.dll.
MQ2EmuLogin facilitates logging into your MQEmulator account. It does so once per computer regardless of how many EQ sessions you start. You will remain logged in, but unlike the previous plugin that facilitated this behavior, your password will no longer be stored as plain text.
After you've logged in once, the next time you start MQ, it will use your locally stored authentication token to log you back in a automatically.
The site download tool has also be modified to automatically seed your MacroQuest download with your username and an authentication token already present. So, you should never have to actually log in under normal circumstances.
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Follow the normal MQ setup and startup process. Ensure you have the plugin loaded (/plugin mq2emulogin). After that you should be able to use the commands and TLO.
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Update History
20170820: This is the initial revision of the plugin.
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/login <username> <password>
Logs you into your account
/login Maudigan KU7!N8keiJmEk0$k
Logs you into Maudigan's account.
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Outputs the status of your login (logged or not) to the MacroQuest chat window.
Outputs [MQ2EmuLogin] You have not logged in yet.
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Top-Level Object: ${MQNet}
boolean MQNet.LoggedIn
Returns "TRUE" if you're logged in, "FALSE" if you are not.
int MQNet.PluginError
Returns the numerical error code if there is one.
int MQNet.PluginStatus
Returns the numerical status code that the plugin is in. Refer to the table below:
0: You haven't attempted to login yet.
1: You sent your attempt and are awaiting a response.
2: You sent your attempt but had a communication error.
3: You sent your attempt and recieved a response.
If you are in status 3 (recieved) and would like to determine what the response was, use the UserLevel element immediately below to do so.
string MQNet.UserLevel
Returns your user level as a string. Refer to the list below for possible values:
NONE : You haven't logged in yet or there was a problem.
EXPIRED : Your account is expired or inactive.
GOLD : You are logged in and a member.
REGISTERED : You are logged in, but not a member.
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This plugin has no inherent dependencies on other plugins.
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This plugin is not available on SOF and there are no plans to add it.
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The commands or TLO don't work
- Make sure MQ is loaded.
- Make sure MQ2EmuLogin is loaded (/plugin MQ2EmuLogin).
- Report the problems here.
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Sun Aug 20, 2017 9:50 am
Project Lead