Errors Underfoot: emucharacters
Underfoot: emucharacters
OK, so I have been working on this as well. I have pared it down to remove all the buttons and buff icons. I am not seeing how to remove the shaded area where the buffs would be?
Also, I had a working button in SOD that was just called 'Inv' and would be red or green depending on the status of invisibility on that toon. It doesn't appear to work the same in the new version. What am I doing wrong?

Button5.CaptionColor=${If[${NetBots[${Character}].Invis},255 0 255 0,255 255 0 0]}
Button5.ToolTipColor=255 255 255 255
Sun Mar 15, 2015 4:54 pm
Ok, I figured out the button problem.

Just need to know how I can change the sizes of the pods and remove the shaded area where the buffs go.
There are two rows of buttons, can I make it only one thus making the pods smaller in height?

Oh, also saw something about making the order of the pods consistent? Has this been implemented? Will the documentation for this be updated or am I missing it?
Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:43 pm
Look in MQ2EmuCharacters.ini for Pod.Height and Pod.Width keys. They may be in multiple sections. Changing the size of the overall pod and the sizes of the pieces in the pod will change the look of the pod. One row or multiple. Tall & skinny. Square. Rectangle.

I think pod ordering is still in beta.
Sun Mar 15, 2015 8:20 pm
Senior Project Member
Order is written, in titanium, but not the commands for interacting with it. I may go ahead and add that to the rest of the clients and push that until I make my mind up on how the commands will work.

The gray area is part of the image. I've done some custom ones for people in the past, and it's a pain to help them implement it. So I added a DefaultLayout option that was meant to make that easier. I haven't added new layouts yet though. You can attempt, if you want, to try and edit it yourself.

Gimp, and probably Adobe, can edit the image files in the ui folder. You'd cut the gray area off. That by itself will make it not show up. However, it will still be there, just invisible, so if you clicked there, perhaps to target a mob, it wouldn't target. The invisible window would hijack the click. So, the XML file would have to be edited to give it the new width. Then that new width would also have to be set on the Pod.Width in the INI.

If you want me you can mock up the pod in ms paint the way you want it, and email or post it. Your INI would be helpful too. I can then flesh it out and add it as a new layout under the [Default] one. Then when you download a new client you'll be able to just do "/pods layout streamline" and it'll swap over.
Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:26 pm
Project Lead
The width in the xml tells EQ how much to cut, the width in the INI tells it how wide to paste. So if you just change the INI it will squish the window but still have the gray. And if you just change the xml it will only cut the window part, without the gray, but it'll stretch it horizontally.
Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:31 pm
Project Lead
I had a few minutes and added a layout so you could see. If you download the new client there is a new .tga file in the uifolder, and a new entry in the master xml file. In the INI is a corresponding [Default_Simple] section that has no buttons, no gray area, and has been vertically shrunk down. If you were to download that fresh and in game did a "/pod layout Default_Simple" it would automatically swap over.

Since I removed the button area I made the character name turn green if they are invis. So, purple if dead, gray if not in zone, green if invis.

If you want to use it, copy over the UIfiles directory to eq again, and then the ini file to your old mq directory. There are no changes to any of the dll files at all.
Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:00 pm
Project Lead
Thanks so much, Maudigan.
Really great!
I'll get on it as soon as I get a moment.
Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:53 pm
Absolutely superb!
Thanks Maudigan!
Tue Mar 17, 2015 10:19 am
Errors Underfoot: emucharacters