General What's the best way to cast a mana item after a rez?
What's the best way to cast a mana item after a rez?
For instance, I have a gather mana item with a 5 minute refresh. I want to spefically cast it after I get a rez, but not necessarily if my mana is only a certain percent (so I dont waste the click when i die, then not have it ready when im rezzed).

Im not sure how to do it, can you do something like a buff check that checks for rez effects? Never seen anything like that though...
for fun
Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:07 am
Checking for the Rez effect buff would be the simplest way to handle it.

The more complicated way would be to make an event that detects the message you get when you get a Rez. The event would do nothing but set a variable to true.

Then in you loop you check for the timer to be ready and the been rez'd variable to be true, then cast item and set the been rez'd variable back to false.
Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:38 am
Senior Project Member
Thank you, i will try rez effects.

I googled and came up with this...

${Me.Buff[Resurrection Sickness].Duration}<38 = Rez Sickness Less than 38 Seconds left

for fun
Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:50 pm
Not in game to check, but I believe all durations are in ticks not seconds.
Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:59 pm
Senior Project Member
Nice fast reply!

I actually am going to write it up so that it merely checks if rez effects are on (no need for duration) AND that the character has mana under 50%. I think that will suit my needs to use the clicky, but not waste it.
for fun
Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:06 pm
If you use a rez sub you can add in the check/cast at the end of that.
If you posted snippets of code I'm sure you would get 3 or 4 different opinions/methods on how to handle it. One nice thing about this site, it is small but people are helpful and seems everyone has their own way to handle stuff with MQ2.
Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:44 am
Listen to This Guy
General What's the best way to cast a mana item after a rez?