General EQ2event to forward tells... filter out NPC chat?
EQ2event to forward tells... filter out NPC chat?
I have the following event which reliably relays a tell to my main character. however, it also relays everything including vendor chat and pets, well, because those NPCs also start their text with "tells you".

So i was wondering, is there something i can add or change that will only relay the tell if it is from a PC?

More +
trigger=#1# tells you, #2#
command=/tell myname ${EventArg1} told me, '${EventArg2.Mid[2,${Math.Calc[${EventArg2.Length}-2]}]}'

for fun
Sat Jan 25, 2014 6:47 pm
MQ2EQBC handles this

/bccmd toggle tellwatch

I believe
Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:17 pm
Senior Project Member
Thank you. I looked at that and remember seeing it when i was newer to this.

But the thing is, it sends the tell to the macroquset window, but i almost exclusively have that minimized while i play on my single, main character.

so this begs the question, is it possible for the /bc command to forward that tell to my main character?
for fun
Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:52 pm
Un minimize the window?

Combine the two. Turn on tell watch and then have an mq2event only on your main
That event will monitor the specific syntax of a relay tell and send it to a channel such as /join mymain:mypass
Sat Jan 25, 2014 8:30 pm
Senior Project Member
my MQ window gets so much spam. i dont understand how anyone could actually use it real time. i open it when i want to look for something. but i dont know, maybe im doing it wrong....
for fun
Sat Jan 25, 2014 8:57 pm
Is it spam from macros or from plugins (or both)?

You can add /squelch to your macro commands to lessen the spam.
Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:22 pm
Project Lead
Project Lead
Also, mine does not get spam. You probably have a macro talking too much or mq2melee setup wrong..
Sun Jan 26, 2014 5:28 pm
Senior Project Member
In a regular macro (not MQ2Events), you can use #chat events and not just #event events.
Sun Jan 26, 2014 8:36 pm
Senior Project Member
General EQ2event to forward tells... filter out NPC chat?