#include Spell_routines.inc
#turbo 10
#chat group
#chat tell
| Events |
#event checkbuffs "#1# tells the group, 'check buffs'"
#event giveheal "#1# tells the group, 'plz heal'"
#event helpcommands "#1# tells the group, 'cleric help'"
|#event rezme "#1# tells the group, 'rez'"
|#event rezme "#1# tells you, 'rez'"
|#event evac "#1# tells the group, 'EVAC'"
Sub Main
/declare DD1 string outer Strike
/declare B2 string outer Courage
/declare B1 string outer Holy Armor
/declare h1 string outer Minor Healing
/declare HealPct 60
/declare x int local
|/declare r1 string outer Reconstitution
|/declare B3 string outer Daring
|/declare h2 string outer Celestrial Remedy
|/declare g1 string outer Gate
/if ((!${Me.Casting.ID}) && (${Me.State.Equal[STAND]}) & (${Me.PctMana}<98)) /sit
/delay 10
/if (${Me.PctMana}>10) /goto :healloop
/goto :start
/if (${Group}<1) /goto :start
/for x 0 to ${Group}
/if (${Group.Member[${x}].Type.NotEqual[CORPSE]} && ${Group.Member[${x}].PctHPs}<${HealPct}) /call Heal ${Group.Member[${x}].CleanName}
| /if (${Group.Member[${x}].Type.NotEqual[CORPSE]} && ${Group.Member[${x}].PctHPs}<75 && ${Group.Member[${x}].PctHPs}>70) /call Remedy ${Group.Member[${x}].CleanName}
/if (${Group.Member[${x}].Pet.Name.NotEqual[NULL]} && ${Group.Member[${x}].Pet.PctHPs}<${HeaPct}) /call Heal ${Group.Member[${x}].Pet.CleanName}
/next x
/goto :nuke
/assist Brel
/delay 1s
/if (${Target.PctHPs}<50 && ${Target.PctHPs}>35 && ${Target.Type.NotEqual[CORPSE]} && ${Target.Type.Equal["NPC"]} && ${Me.PctMana}>50) /call cast "${DD1}" gem1 3s
/goto :start
| Healing |
Sub Heal(Targ)
/target ${Targ.Right[-2].Left[-1]}
/delay 1s
/if (${Target.ID}) /g ${h1} on %t
/if (${Target.Distance}>100) /g %t is out of range!
/if (${Target.Distance}<100) /call Cast "${h1}" gem8 4s
| Remedy |
|Sub Remedy(Targ)
|/target ${Targ.Right[-2].Left[-1]}
|/delay 1s
|/g ${h2} on [ %t ]
|/call cast "${h2}" gem7 3s
| Buffs |
Sub Event_checkbuffs(Line)
/declare z int local
/if (${Group}<1) /return
/for z 0 to ${Group}
/if (${Group.Member[${z}].Type.NotEqual[CORPSE]}) /call Buffs ${Group.Member[${z}].CleanName}
/next z
Sub Buffs(Targ)
/target ${Targ}
/delay 1s
/if (${Target.ID} && ${Select[${Target.Class.ShortName},SHD,PAL,RNG,BST,WAR,MNK,BER]}) {
/call Cast "${B2}" gem6 4s
/delay 3s
/call Cast "${B1}" gem7 4s
/delay 3s
| Rez |
|Sub Event_rezme(Line,Targ)
|/target ${Targ.Right[-2].Left[-1]}
|/delay 1s
|/g Incoming 10% EXP rez on [ %t ]
|/call Cast "${r1}" gem3 12
|/if (${Macro.Return.Equal[CAST_SUCCESS]}) /goto :rezsuccess
Sub Event_giveheal(Line,Targ)
/assist ${Targ.Right[-2].Left[-1]}
/delay 1s
/g Here ya go a heal just for [ %t ]
/call Cast "${h1}" gem8 3s
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal[CAST_SUCCESS]}) /return
| gate out |
|Sub Event_evac(line)
|/call cast "${g1}" gem2 3s
|/delay 7s
| Help commands |
Sub Event_helpcommands(Line)
|/g rez - I will rez you (I will breathe life into you)
|/delay 1s
/g plz Heal - I will heal you (Only because I care)
/delay 1s
/g check buffs - I will give you only what I can to make you better.