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Darfumpel_Zirubbel.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
######################################################### # Darfumpel Zirubbel (ID:50270) # Zone: Rathe Mountains (rathemtn) # Quest: The Etched Stone # Author: a_sewer_rat ######################################################### # items: 10191, 1000, 10192 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/Hail/i){ quest::say("Hail, $name. I am Darfumpel, master jeweler and proprietor of this shop. How might I assist you today? Perhaps you need a stone [cut] or some jewelry [repaired]?"); } if($text=~/cut/i){ quest::say("Yes, I use a new gemcutting technique I designed myself. It will bring out the beauty of any gem. However, as arrogant as this may sound, I do not cut just any ordinary stone. They must be rare or of extraordinary quality. Have you an exceptional stone that requires faceting? If so, what type of gem is it?"); } if($text=~/repaired/i){ quest::say("Although more mundane a task. I do have a shop to keep up and so I repair jewelry for a nominal fee."); } if($text=~/hyacinth/i){ quest::say("A hyacinth, eh? That is quite a rare stone. Quite fragile and easily shattered, too. With my new technique, I can assure you I will not destroy the gem, however, it will cost you. 1000 platinum coins is my fee. Provide me with the coin and the gem and I will cut it for you."); } } #Handin # 1000pp # 10191 : Uncut Hyacinth (from 13th floor) #Reward # 10192 : Faceted Hyacinth (from 13th floor) sub EVENT_ITEM { if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount,10191=>1) && $platinum>=1000) { quest::say("I have not seen a gem such as this in quite some time! It was not since I dabbled in a bit of necro? Wait? What are you going to use this for? Never mind. I do not wish to know. Here, take your gem and leave!"); quest::summonitem(10192); # Item: Faceted Hyacinth quest::exp(1000); } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } #END of FILE Zone:rathemtn ID:50270 -- Darfumpel_Zirubbel
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022