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Lady_Vox.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# Attempt to limit players level 53 and over from engaging nagafen and vox. # Player will be banished to just outside the permafrost zone in everfrost. my $SpawnX = 0; my $SpawnY = 0; my $SpawnZ = 0; my $SpawnH = 0; sub EVENT_SPAWN { $SpawnX = $x; $SpawnY = $y; $SpawnZ = $z; $SpawnH = $h; my $range = 200; my $range2 = 88; quest::set_proximity($x - $range, $x + $range, $y - $range2, $y + $range); quest::setnexthpevent(96); } sub EVENT_HP { #if my HP are dropping make certain the timer is running #this gets around 100% pet tanking, because the owner is #on the aggro list but with 0's and EVENT_AGGRO isn't firing. quest::stoptimer(1); EVENT_AGGRO(); #backup safety check quest::setnexthpevent(int($npc->GetHPRatio())-9); } sub EVENT_ENTER { if (($ulevel >= 53) && ($status < 80)) { quest::echo(0, "I will not fight you, but I will banish you!"); $client->MovePC(30,-7024,2020,-60.7,0); # Zone: everfrost } } sub EVENT_AGGRO { # a 1 second leash timer. quest::settimer(1,1); } sub EVENT_TIMER { if ($timer == 1) { if($x < -431 || $x > -85 || $y < 770 || $y > 1090 || $z < -50) { WIPE_AGGRO(); } my @hate_list = $npc->GetHateList(); my $hate_count = @hate_list; if ($hate_count > 0) { foreach $ent (@hate_list) { my $h_ent = $ent->GetEnt(); my $h_dmg = $ent->GetDamage(); my $h_hate = $ent->GetHate(); if ($h_ent->IsClient()) { if ($h_ent->GetLevel() > 52) { quest::ze(0,"I will not fight you, but I will banish you!"); $h_ent->CastToClient()->MovePC(30,-7024,2020,-60.7,0); } } } } else { WIPE_AGGRO(); } } } sub WIPE_AGGRO { $npc->BuffFadeAll(); $npc->WipeHateList(); $npc->SetHP($npc->GetMaxHP()); $npc->GMMove($SpawnX,$SpawnY,$SpawnZ,$SpawnH); quest::stoptimer(1); quest::setnexthpevent(96); } # EOF zone: permafrost ID: 73057 NPC: Lady_Vox
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022