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bloody_gnome_captive.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#Zone: Great Divide #Short Name: greatdivide #Zone ID: 118 # #NPC Name: gnomish captive #NPC ID: 118154 #Quest Status: In Prog. # # items: 30045 sub EVENT_SPAWN { quest::settimer("despawn",60); #this is to keep the captive gnome from staying spawned indefinately if someone triggers bloodmaw and leaves } sub EVENT_SAY { if ($text=~/hail/i) { quest::say("Uh, hi. Hey, that was great work and all. I couldn't believe that. Knowing that bear, I was sure my time was up. I'm heading back to Ak'Anon. I've had enough of pirates, mountains, snow, and bears ten times my size. If you want a map to get back you can have it."); } if ($text=~/map/i) { quest::summonitem(30045); # Item: Third part of an Iceclad Map quest::exp(100); quest::stoptimer("despawn"); quest::depop(); } } sub EVENT_TIMER { quest::stoptimer("despawn"); quest::depop(); } #END of FILE Zone: greatdivide ID:118154 -- gnomish_captive
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022