Spell: Conjure Corpse - Dropped By
NPC Level Chance
#sebilite juggernaut
57 0.3
a black reaver
50 2.5
a black reaver
50 2.5
a black reaver
50 2.5
a black reaver
50 2.5
a blade storm
61 10
a blade storm
59 10
a bottomless devourer
47 0.05
a bottomless devourer
45 0.05
a bottomless devourer
52 0.05
a bottomless devourer
48 0.05
a bottomless devourer
50 0.05
a bottomless devourer
51 0.05
a Chokidai Herbsniffer
55 0.3
a Chokidai Lasher
55 0.51
a Chokidai Pitfighter
55 0.74
a cliff golem
58 0.4
a crystal shard golem
57 0.77
a crystaline cloud
53 0.14
a Dizok Researcher
55 0.19
a gorgalask
54 0.22
a gorgalask
55 0.22
a gorgalask
56 0.22
a guardian wurm
60 1.3
a hamal skeleton
50 0.27
a hamal skeleton
52 0.27
a hamal skeleton
51 0.27
a helot spectre
51 0.03
a helot spectre
52 0.03
a helot spectre
48 0.03
a helot spectre
47 0.03
a helot spectre
46 0.03
a helot spectre
49 0.03
a helot spectre
53 0.03
a helot spectre
50 0.03
a helot spectre
54 0.03
a helot spectre
50 0.03
a helot spirit
47 0.22
a helot spirit
46 0.22
a helot spirit
50 0.22
a helot spirit
50 0.22
a helot spirit
52 0.22
a helot spirit
51 0.22
a lava walker
50 0.6
a mature chromadrac
46 0.14
a mature chromadrac
47 0.14
a mature chromadrac
45 0.14
a mature chromadrac
49 0.14
a mature chromadrac
48 0.14
a mature wurm
45 0.4
a mature wurm
43 0.4
a mature wurm
44 0.4
a mature wurm
46 0.4
a mature wurm
47 0.4
a mortiferous golem
54 0.16
a mortiferous golem
52 0.16
a mortiferous golem
50 0.16
a mortiferous golem
53 0.16
a mortiferous golem
51 0.16
a pulsating bile
54 0.25
a pulsating bile
51 0.25
a pulsating bile
50 0.25
a pulsating bile
53 0.25
a pulsating bile
52 0.25
a Reanimated Berserker
55 0.05
a Reanimated Dragoon
53 0.17
a Sarnak Foreman
56 0.12
a Sarnak Whipcracker
55 0.31
a sepulcher spectre
51 0.04
a sepulcher spectre
54 0.04
a sepulcher spectre
42 0.04
a sepulcher spectre
46 0.04
a sepulcher spectre
43 0.04
a sepulcher spectre
45 0.04
a sepulcher spectre
43 0.04
a sepulcher spectre
44 0.04
a sepulcher spirit
52 0.18
a sepulcher spirit
50 0.18
a sepulcher spirit
52 0.18
a sepulcher spirit
51 0.18
a sepulcher spirit
50 0.18
a sepulcher spirit
51 0.18
a shadow drake
47 0.77
a skyfire drake
48 0.13
a skyfire drake
47 0.13
a skyfire drake
49 0.13
a Veteran Overseer
56 0.1
a Veteran Underboss
56 0.57
a wandering wurm
47 0.2
a wandering wurm
48 0.2
a windrider drake
60 1.65
an apprentice lorekeeper
56 0.45
an avenging gazer
59 1.08
an azarack
53 0.14
an elder wyvern
49 0.23
an elder wyvern
52 0.23
an elder wyvern
50 0.23
an elder wyvern
51 0.23
an elder wyvern
48 0.23
an imperial construct
55 0.2
an imperial construct
57 0.2
an Imperial Courier
56 0.9
an Imperial Defender
55 5
an Imperial Interrogator
56 0.88
an off duty Overseer
55 0.56
an old wurm
50 0.12
an old wurm
49 0.12
an old wurm
46 0.12
an old wurm
47 0.12
an old wurm
48 0.12
an undead oblation
44 0.04
an undead oblation
49 0.04
an undead oblation
45 0.04
an undead oblation
43 0.04
an undead oblation
42 0.04
an undead oblation
46 0.04
an undertaker skeleton
50 0.12
an undertaker skeleton
52 0.12
an undertaker skeleton
51 0.12
Battle Master Ska`tu
54 0.7
blood of chottal
55 6
55 0.64
Di`zok elite guard
55 0.85
Di`zok royal guard
54 0.09
Di`zok royal guard
53 0.09
Di`zok royal guard
52 0.09
Di`zok royal guard
48 0.09
67 1
Emperor Chottal
60 1
Eternal Spirit
55 0.93
froglok armorer
52 1.63
froglok bartender
52 0.75
froglok chef
52 0.81
froglok ilis knight
53 0.26
froglok ilis shaman
53 0.09
General V`Deers
58 5
guardian wurm
61 0.1
guardian wurm
60 0.1
heart harpie
58 0.79
hexbone skeleton
53 0.16
hexbone skeleton
51 0.16
hexbone skeleton
52 0.16
hexbone skeleton
54 0.16
hexbone skeleton
50 0.16
66 1
judicator of Di`zok
54 0.17
judicator of Di`zok
53 0.17
judicator of Di`zok
49 0.17
judicator of Di`zok
52 0.17
myconid adept
55 0.2
myconid adept
53 0.2
myconid adept
52 0.2
myconid adept
54 0.2
myconid adept
56 0.2
myconid priest
50 0.2
myconid priest
54 0.2
myconid priest
52 0.2
myconid priest
53 0.2
myconid priest
51 0.2
myconid reaver
56 0.2
myconid reaver
54 0.2
myconid reaver
55 0.2
myconid reaver
53 0.2
myconid reaver
52 0.2
myconid spore king
56 2
myconid warrior
53 0.2
myconid warrior
51 0.2
myconid warrior
50 0.2
myconid warrior
54 0.2
myconid warrior
52 0.2
65 1
Phara Dar
66 1
Prince Selrach Di`zok
61 0.98
Queen Velazul Di`zok
62 2.63
sebilite juggernaut
57 0.3
sebilite juggernaut
57 0.3
sebilite protector
60 2.03
66 1
sorcerer of Di`zok
50 0.06
sorcerer of Di`zok
49 0.06
sorcerer of Di`zok
48 0.06
sorcerer of Di`zok
54 0.06
sorcerer of Di`zok
53 0.06
sorcerer of Di`zok
52 0.06
The Spiroc Lord
63 0.83
65 1
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022