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/bca //command question
I am LOVING EQBCS!! I roll with a warrior, rogue, and a cleric. I have them all in EQBCS and I have a few simple hotkeys on the warrior for follow and assist.

I know there are macros out there that do alot of automation, but I want to keep it really simple. I only want to add a few more commands to my repertoire. The first should be fairly easy.

1) I would like to make a hotkey for HEAL ME. I tried to make one that said...

/bct Toon //target Warrior
/bct //cast 1

That doesn't seem to work. It targets the warrior, but it doesn't cast.

2) The server I play on has quite a few "loot 20 lizard scrotums" type quests. What I want to do is loot everything with my warrior until the only remaining loot item is the lizard scrotum. Then I would like to hit a hotkey that would tell my cleric to loot the lizard scrotum. So in this case we don't have to worry about deciphering between different types of loot or what slot the loot is in.
Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:22 am
/bct Toon //cast 1

Does that not work? You may want a delay in there to. I would seriously consider adding this to a macro.
Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:37 am
Project Lead
It kept saying "I don't see anyone around here with that name". Or something like that. Although it would shift my target from the mob we were fighting to the warrior. I'll play with that a little more.

What about the loot command?
Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:12 am
Oh, also, thanks a freaking ton for taking the time to help us noobs out.
Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:13 am

//target ${Me.Name}
Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:44 am
Project Lead
I know this is a month old post, but I wanted to point out there is a much better way to cast spells even with only hotkeys.

Use EQBC amd MQ2Cast which are part of all versions of MQ2 that Maudigan releases.
After you setup EQBC
/bcaa //plugin mq2cast to make sure mq2cast is loaded for all characters. you should not need to do this again.

Then make a hotkey on on the tank and title it CH Me.

More +
Line 1: /bct <Cleric> //casting "Complete Heal" gem1 -retries|5 -targetid|${Me.ID}

That's it. This will tell your cleric to cast complete heal on you. If the spell is not currently mem'd it will mem it in slot 1. It will attempt to cast the spell 5 times before giving up (fizzle).
Sat Aug 28, 2010 9:56 pm
Senior Project Member

Just started multiboxing,standing around in PoK annoying everyone with making my characters say things after I finally got /bct working.

I found this very useful,but..
Line 1: /bct <Cleric> //casting "Complete Heal" gem1

Is it possible to have a hotkey set up to have my cleric heal someone other then my main toon(1)? 6 person group,I notice my Mage(3) getting smacked around,can I from my main char(1),tell my cleric(5) to heal another member of the group?

I am learning as I go,long time eq player,totally new to more then 2box and MQ2,but finding it fascinating! All the things that are capable with the program.
Thank you for all the hard work I am sure everyone put into it.

ProjectEQ server
Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:28 pm
See my post in the MQ2 for dummies thread
Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:35 pm
Senior Project Member
MQ2 for Dummies
Thank you,I read it and understood some of it.
I did get the hotkeys set up for healing any member I have set up.

I also got my SK to assist,cast,send pet in to attack.When I get the group up high enough that will certainly be handy for my Beastlord.

I have Autogroup set up,time saver there,is there an option like this for follow?
,/stick is great,but can I hotkey,all the members to auto follow my main char? Instead of alt/tab over to each char and hit F2/stick hotkey.

/bca //moveto id ${}
I keep getting the error,Spawn must be a positive numerical value.

Thank you,

EDIT...I got this to work with some help from someone on PEQ,thank you anyway.
Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:10 am
/bca //moveto id ${}
I keep getting the error,Spawn must be a positive numerical value.

For anyone following up on this thread. MQ2 is case sensitive with anything inside the { and }

Valid /moveto
More +
/bca //moveto id ${Me.ID}

Valid /stick
More +
/bca //stick id ${Me.ID}

Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:40 pm
Senior Project Member
Stuck on /assist
I seem to have gotten everything working at the moment that I want to use,except when I hit my attack key for my melee they just move close to the target,but will not do anything else. If I move them on top of the target sometimes they will attack other times they wont.

Line1: /pause 2, /bct MELEEDPSNAME //target ID ${Target.ID}
Line2: /killthis

My melee's get close to the mob and just stand there.
My casters will cast,then move close and nothing else.

For a group attack I have

Line1: /bca //target ID ${Target.ID}
Line2: /killthis

and again all 4 of them run up and just stand there gawking at it.Like its a side show or something.
Any idea on what /melee setting I need to change? I'm afraid Ive screwed it up beyond repair already.
Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:46 pm
In your MQ2 directory will be an INI file named server_character.ini here is the one for my rogue. they all relate to the /melee commands. you can compare and maybe find your problem.

Likely causes:
More +
/melee melee=0
/melee plugin=0

More +

Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:09 pm
Senior Project Member
I checked all the

/melee plugin:all at 1
/melee melee :all at 1

Only main difference I found in the ini file was


I have different skills listed,I am assuming because of the difference in classes?
Is there an issue with a enchanter using this? Or caster classes period?
And after looking at all of them,they are all exactly the same.
Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:39 pm
stickrange is the range before the pc will begin to /stick so that's not it.

if you have done nothing special with the settings, camp (to character select) the toon it is not working on, delete the MQ2Melee section from the INI file, log back in, type /melee melee=1 /melee plugin=1 /melee save and then go see what happens
Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:13 pm
Senior Project Member
Camping and deleting worked,although I had to do it again this afternoon.Thank you for the help.

Now to work on group /assist for zoning and hailing so I don't attack the NPCs.
Still not sure what I am doing,but I am enjoying the game more than I have in years,thanks to everyone's hard work and know-how.
Wed Dec 08, 2010 3:25 pm
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