Errors me.abilityready
Whenever i check this, it returns null.

For example:

/if (${Me.AbilityReady["Backstab"]}) {
/doability "Backstab"
/if (${verbosity}>=2) /${channel} Backstabbing: ${Target.CleanName}

does not work because the if case always returns false. Anyone know what i'm missing here?
Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:52 pm
Make sure you have an ability key set for backstab, CTRL + A to bring up the window to do this. This actually checks to see if the button has poped up, if no button is set then it has to no way to check.

I've had problems getting flying kick to work in the old titanium build, there is a way to use hotkey numbers to accomplish it, lemme look at that real quick for a possible work around.
Mon Jun 21, 2010 4:10 pm
Project Lead
Yes AbilityReady[#] works, where # is the number of the button. Honestly I don't know if it starts counting at 0 or 1, or if it counts by rows or columns. Nothing a little bit of testing couldn't figure out.

I got a feeling there is just a problem with it being set on a button properly, this is a really common error as it seems kind of illogical with all of MQ's magic that not having a hotkey set would effect it.
Mon Jun 21, 2010 4:15 pm
Project Lead
I tried this every way i could think of both in SoF and SoD (using compiles released here on this site).

I had the skills hotkeyed, tried by hotkey name and skill name.. nothing worked. Any Other ideas? :/
Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:28 pm
New Info
Ok.. i tried using the PEQ version of SoD MQ2, and it does in fact work with that compile.
Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:45 pm
Thats very odd... they are the same built with the same code, just different plugins are included. Could you maybe try the full build again, and disable all the plugins at startup time by editing macroquest2.ini, and removing all the plugin lines. They look like "mq2map=mq2map".

Are other abilities working, or is it just BS?
Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:35 pm
Project Lead
actually, those 2 are not only built on the same code, but atm they are just copies of the same file. If you look at the time stamp on MQ2Main.dll, they are both 4/15/2010 9:15. If something is wrong its got to be in one of the plugins, or it was just a fluke somehow.

I think the gold build was recompiled more recently, were you using that one?

The hotkey has to be on the abilities tab too, not just on the hotbar. I tested this out on SoD Full, with kick, and it worked.

Here, ${Me.AbilityReady["Kick"]} returns NULL, because its on a hotbar, but not in the CTRL+A popup I mentioned.

Here, ${Me.AbilityReady["Kick"]} returns TRUE, because its in the CTRL+A popup. Its presence on the hotbar makes no difference.

I'm not 100% positive on this, but I do believe it maps the keys that are set on that tab, checks the button text, then sees if the button is up or down to decide if the ability is ready. At least I'm assuming thats the way it works based off its behavior. You could effectively create a social hotkey on the hotbar named "Backstab" that didn't actually do a thing but /ooc a bunch of gibberish... it would throw the described method off if the hotbar were also checked.
Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:38 pm
Project Lead
Smoking Drugs
I must have been smoking drugs. I switched back to _Full today and everything is working fine. Thanks for working through this with me.
Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:56 pm
No problem, thats what I'm here for. This is a really common problem for macro writers/users.

I think a lot of people don't even realize that their pre-canned macros aren't firing their skills off.
Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:19 pm
Project Lead
Errors me.abilityready