General Syntax Editior, Gauging Intrest.
Syntax Editior, Gauging Intrest.
Anyone else here write macros in notepad,notepad++,UltraEdit
notice how they have alot of bells and whisles, but suck when it comes to syntax editing for MQ2.

I was wondering, If anyone else wrote there own macro would like to have
a syntax editor, With Auto-Complete, Syntax Foldering, and go to functions?
(Like right click on "/call mysub" and it goes to Sub mysub?) and one with out the bugs like Notepad++?

Anyone intrested?
Sat Jun 27, 2009 6:38 pm
Project Member (Retired)
I'm 110% down with getting the site setup as a common ground for anyone interested on working on this project. Let me know if you need some kind of development space or a forum made or anything.

The two thoughts I had when you mentioned this would be to take an existing open source compiler and work backwards to remove some of the extra shit, or take an open source text editor and work forward to add some additional stuff.

I think it would really be to large of a project to start from scratch though. Great idea though. Let me know if you want a workspace setup though.
Give me your land!
Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:36 pm
Co-Founder (Retired)
I know Geek420 doesn't totally get along with some of the aspects of the site here, but you might hit him up and see if he is interested in working on this. DaHexor also does some coding, don't recall off the top of my head if he registered with his email or not though. I don't know how much time I could personally dedicate to the project, but I'm game to help too.
Give me your land!
Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:39 pm
Co-Founder (Retired)
General Syntax Editior, Gauging Intrest.