Author: Ilirith


This plugin is just an improvement to the existing /ini command in MQ2. When writing to an INI file, this plugin will allow you to pick and choose which variables in your string are parsed, and which are not. If that doesn't make sense, look at the example below.


/inireplace "<ini filename>" "<ini section>" "<ini key>" "<find>" "<replace>" "<value>"

ini filename: The name of the INI file you want to write to.
ini section: The [bracketed] section name within the ini file you want to write to.
ini key: The key you want to write to.
find: A character you want to find and replace in the <value> string.
replace: A character to be subtituted in place of the <find> character, within the <value> string.
value: The value you want to write to the ini file

/inireplace "filename.ini" "section" "key" "^" "$" "${Me.Name} - ^{Me.PctHPs}"

This command will parse the Me.Name to "Maudigan", but it won't parse the Me.PctHPs because it has a ^ instead of a $. However, write before writing it to the INI file, it will replace the ^, back into a $. This will write Maudigan - ${Me.PctHPs} to the ini file.
Sun Jan 30, 2022 12:33 pm
Project Lead