Game Search new columns on search result pages
new columns on search result pages


The factions page has three new columns,: how many npcs raise the facion, lower it, and use it as a primary faction


The recipes page has one new column: how many containers can be used for the combination


The spells page has two new columns: how many items have that spell as an effect and how many NPCs cast it.

Some other columns changed. There previously was a column for each class showing what level they could use it. That wasted a ton of space and made the table difficult to read. The levels have been consolidated into a list in a single "classes" column. That makes it more compact but limits your ability to sort by your class. So, when you search, if you pick a class from the dropdown, that search results will dynamically add a sortable column for that class.

With no class selected:

With Class: Bard filter select a BRD column is added:


The zone results have six new columns: how many npcs spawn, how many spawn points, how many items drop, how many items can be fished, how many items can be foraged, and how many items spawn on the ground.

To make room for those six new column the shortname and zoneid columns were removed. You can still see those values by looking at the ZONE popup.

The sorting arrows beside the checkbox columns (LV, BN, CM, LE, OD, GY) were removed to save space too; those columns are still sortable despite no sorting arrow. They were further abreviated to save space too. You can hover over the header to get a more verbose description (as with most columns)
Sat Feb 15, 2020 2:33 pm
Project Lead
Game Search new columns on search result pages