General New Character Creation Tip - Hotkeys and UI settings
New Character Creation Tip - Hotkeys and UI settings
I recently made a group of new characters. I entered the world for the first time and saw the noob UI and no hotkeys. Hated it.

I started to tweak things to a more manageable interface and soon realized how much time it takes to get a new character up and running. There had to be a better way.

I'm still searching for a perfect way, but luckily there is a better way...
Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:14 pm
Senior Project Member
Customizing the UI for new characters
  Step 1: Create a new character. Name/race/class generally doesn't matter.

  Step 2: Arrange the UI how you want. The more windows you fix now, the fewer you have to fix later.
       Chat windows. MQ2 window. Hotbars. Target/HOTT. Self HP/Mana/End. Group window. Spell window.
       Spellbook window. Merchant window. Loot window. Loot no drop confirmation window. Inventory window.
       Inventory bags. Bank window. Bank bags. AA window. Skills window. Pet window. Options window.
       Combat Abilities (Disciplines). Bandolier. Expedition window. Buffs. Compass. Lag-o-meter.
       Tradeskill interface window.

  Step 3: Camp and exit EQ. This is required to update/save the proper UI fes.

  Step 4: Find the file you just created: <EQ Directory>/UI_<charactername>_<servername>.ini

  Step 5: Make a copy of that new character file and rename it: UI_NewCharacter_<servername>.ini

Whenever you make a new character, you will copy that file, rename the copy to match the name of your new character, then reload EQ. Your new character will see the UI filed, load it, and voila, your UI settings are loaded.

There is probably a way to use a custom UI and /loadskin to make this faster (and without requiring closing EQ and restarting) but it's been a long time since I messed with custom UI stuff.
Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:16 pm
Senior Project Member
Customizing Hotkeys/Socials for new characters
This process is very similar to the process for UI files.

  Step 1: Create a new character, like before

  Step 2: Create the hotkeys/socials you wish all new characters to have. Sticks/follows. Attacks. Group invites/accepts.
       Macro specific hotkeys. Corpse dragging keys. Any hotkey/social you want to use on more than one character
       is a good candidate.

  Step 3: Camp and exit EQ. Again, this saves the proper ini file.

  Step 4: Find the file you just created: <EQ Directory>/<charactername>_<servername>.ini

  Step 5: Make a copy of that file and rename it: NewCharacter_<servername>.ini

Whenever you make a new character, you can copy that file, rename it to match your new character name, then reload EQ. Your custom socials will appear on your new character without you having to type them in manually.
Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:29 pm
Senior Project Member
I like this, I hope you don't mind that I added some formatting to mimic the formatting I use in the software/documentation forum. Going to sticky this too, at least for awhile.
Fri Nov 09, 2012 7:41 pm
Project Lead
I am not sure if it started in UF or SoD, but you can copy in game now.

I use UF and I know it works there. next time I can log in I will grab the syntax.

The MQ Window location is saved in MQ2ChatWnd.ini in your MQ2 directory. Not sure if it is fixed by the in game UI or not.
Sat Nov 10, 2012 1:04 am
Senior Project Member
Does UF/SoD copy socials as well as the UI?
Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:34 am
Senior Project Member
Don't think it copies the socials but when I make up a new set of boxs / try a new server, I'll just /bcaa the /hot command for my generic keys that I have on every box.
Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:21 pm
Listen to This Guy
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Wed May 22, 2024 7:59 am
General New Character Creation Tip - Hotkeys and UI settings