General EQEmu Problems
EQEmu Problems
I don't have a problem with minor cheating on games but what happened to EQEmu is down right vile. I know MQEmulator doesn't have the most wholesome image due to some of the plugins available here so I just wanted to make a brief statement about the position this site takes on what happened.

I had to get my thesaurus out to find the proper word for this. We abhor what the individual or group did to eqemu, and dont condone invading something as private as someones password or identity in any form. This is a major hit to the progress of EQEmu and if any admins or anyone working the problem sees this and needs help in any form from MQEmu consider it done.

The Conquistador
Give me your land!
Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:25 pm
Co-Founder (Retired)
General EQEmu Problems