2022-03-24 07:10:22pm
M: show/hide menu
N: scrolls menu to the top
F1: help
H: help
G: goto location
S: generate a link to share a location
␛: close map popup
↑ or ↓: adds/subtracts location by 10 when typing in a number field (goto, share, etc).
If you're having performance or display issues it could be related to your machine. The majority of the code is executed on your computer so a laptop, phone or an older machine might have issues. If your rig is decent, it's possible Internet Explorer is the problem. If you are on IE there is a solution here.
You can click to drag the map left and right or use the arrow keys. You can click the plus and minus icons on the top right to zoom, or use the mouse wheel. You can inspect the symbology by clicking on it for additional details. If you click in an area without a symbol it will display the location you clicked and extend an option to generate a link to share the location you clicked.
Teleporter's source and destination will have a sybol. The source is a triangle, the destination a circle. If you click one of those symbols it will draw a vector connecting the source/destination; click again to hide. You can jump from source to dest and back by clicking the symbology and then clicking the [Show on Map] link.
You can add variables to the URL to change the viewing location, and add a custom point to the map. The variables are:
view_x & view_y: location being shown when the page loads, the default is the safe spot.
poi_x & poi_y: adds a custom symbol to the map at this location.
poi: adds a text label to the custom symbol.
level: relative level for con color.
z_upper & z_lower: filters the map lines/symbols by elevation.
If there is a single item within a display class (merchant, banker, locked door, etc.) there will be a collapsible sub-menu on the main menu.
Press 'M' to open the menu, find the sub-menu header for the display class you're after (e.g. Merchants) and click the arrow icon (▾) or the header itself to expand the sub-menu. Find the specific item you are interested in (e.g. Ping Fuzzlecutter) and click on the items bold header. The map will zoom/jump to that location and briefly point an arrow at it.
Press 'M on the keyboard or click the menu icon (MENU) in the top-right of the screen to display the menu. Click thumbtack icon (📌) to collapse the menu. While open you can press 'N' on the keyboard, or click the top of the menu to scroll back to the top.
Mobs will display with their con color. E.G. if your relative level is 60, a mob that is 65 will display with red symbology.
To change your relative level press M to open the menu and select the relative level in the 'Consider at level' dropdown.
You can turn entire sets of labels off and on by clicking the radio buttons under the 'Show on Map' section of the menu. You can hide/show the groups or leave it on auto. Auto will automatically hides/shows the groups based on the zoom level.
The group is always off The group is always on The group is automatic and currently off The group is automatic and currently onBy default the labels on the map do not show, with the exception of symbols you hover over, specially requested points, or points you are searching for. You can turn all labels on by using the "Show Labels" button in the menu.
Sometimes areas of the maps are hard to explore because multiple floors/layers are stacked up. You can use this slider to set the target elevation range. Symbols and lines outside of this range will be hidden.
This lets you set the thickness of the map lines.
This lets you hide lines by color, this does not hide symbols. E.G. if there is a room drawn in green, and you hide green, the NPCs in that room will still be displayed.
The location menus label or the ▾ icon can be clicked to expand the menu. You'll find a related list of locations on the map with a brief description under it. If you click the name of one of the named points the map will zoom in on that point and a small red arrow will briefly indicate the point.
This dropdown menu lists every NPC by name. It works a little different from the other symbol menus because there can be multiple points with this name. When you click a name, all the spawn points that have a matching spawn will have their name highlighted in white. It helps to view these search labels if you turn the other labels off with the 'Hide Labels' button. If a spawn point has multiple spawns the one you are searching for will become the primary label. You can also do a custom search by typing a query in the field at the top and hitting enter.
This dropdown is distinct from the "Find Mobs by Name" menu because it references specific spawn points. It does list an NPC name, but this is just a proxy label, the relevant location is listed in the description. When you click one of these the map zooms in at the spawn point, not the location the NPC is at. If you're trying to find an NPC, use the "Find Mob by Name" menu.
These are labels that are part of the EQ map file, not from the PEQ database.
This is a list of every other zone, you can click to load that zone's map.
🎯: opens the goto dialog which lets you jump to a desired location
⍰: opens the help dialog
🔗: opens the share dialog which lets you generate a link to share a location
Click the point on the map you'd like to share and a popup box will be displayed. In this popup there will be a "Share Location" button. Clicking it will open the Share Location dialog. You can also open it by pressing 'S' on the keyboard or using the link icon (🔗) in the menu footer.
The dialogue has several inputs which get used to build a link for you to share. The link is generated in the bottom field, "Link Output". You can highlight and copy this link or use the clipboard icon (📋) to copy the link.
The 'Location' fields default to 0, but will be updated when you click on a location on the map (an empty location, not an npc/teleporter/etc.). You can also type a location in. The link you generate will load a map with a symbol and label at this point, and zoom in on it. Ideally you click on the point you'd like to share, and then open the Share Dialog.
The 'Z Filter' fields are updated when you modify the 'Z Filter' on the 'Line Filters' menu. You can also type a custom value in. Modifying this will encode an elevation filter into your output link. Use this if you want to hide a floor/layer of the map. Ideally you'd set your 'Z Filter' in the 'Line Filters' menu so the map appears the way you want. Then you'd open the Share Dialog.
The 'Label' field lets you type in a custom label to be displayed on the map. The label will show next to the 'Location' you have set.
The 'Icon' field lets you pick what kind of icon you want showing up beside your custom label.
The 'Type' field picks the type of link output you want.
If you are familiar with URL formatting and GET variables you can customize the link behaviour.
An example usage would be setting the Z Filter to show just the top floor of the POK tower. Clicking a spot on the floor in the tower and then clicking the "Share Location" button. In the label field, type "Meet at top of tower". Copy the link and share it. The link will open the POK map, with only the top floor of the tower shown, with a red start where you clicked and a "Meet at top of tower" label beside it.
Press 'G' on the keyboard or click the dartboard icon (🎯) in the menu footer. When the dialog displays, type in the desired location and hit 'Enter'. While typing in the fields you can press the up and down arrows to add/subtract 10 from the location.
Press 'H' on the keyboard or click the question mark icon (⍰) in the menu footer. The Help Dialog will be displayed.