Life Sap III - On Items
Item Name Effect Type
Battle Deep Spear
Weapon Proc
Crusher of the Crimson Dawn
Weapon Proc
Weapon Proc
Dagger of Darkflaying
Weapon Proc
Darkened Mithril Two-Handed Sword
Weapon Proc
Death's Maw Dagger
Weapon Proc
Decay Procs
Weapon Proc
Decay Procs
Weapon Proc
Dire Cestii
Weapon Proc
Fangs of the Serpent
Weapon Proc
Growth Procs
Weapon Proc
Growth Procs
Weapon Proc
Handwraps of the Crystalline Fortress
Weapon Proc
Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
Weapon Proc
Kranigan's Fist
Weapon Proc
Living Blade Spear
Weapon Proc
Lost Mosquito Leg Wand
Weapon Proc
Lost Tae Ew Bloodletters Sword
Weapon Proc
Lost Thulian Crusaders Greatsword
Weapon Proc
Malarian Plaguebringer
Weapon Proc
Perilous Pike
Weapon Proc
Poison-Barbed Spear
Weapon Proc
Sanguine Spear
Weapon Proc
Shadow Procs
Weapon Proc
Shadow Procs
Weapon Proc
Slaver's Falchion
Weapon Proc
Weapon Proc
Spirit Taker, Staff of Lost Souls
Weapon Proc
Steam-Honed Impaler
Weapon Proc
Tardunk's Poniard
Weapon Proc
Tempered Crystal Knuckles
Weapon Proc
Trainer's Drill Arm
Weapon Proc
Twinfang, the Immortal's Bane
Weapon Proc
Unrest Battle Blade
Weapon Proc
Xangef's Nightmace
Weapon Proc
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022