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Drill_Master_Kyg.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# items: 17027, 18234, 12430, 5131, 12475 sub EVENT_SAY { if ($text=~/hail/i) { quest::say("Welcome, welcome!! Time to train. Time to fight. Time to serve the Iksar Empire. You will need weapons. I have the [footman pike] for all new recruits to earn."); } if ($text=~/footman pike/i) { quest::say("A footman pike is what you need. A footman pike is what you get, but earn it you will. You must [slay many beasts] to prove to us that you are a true warrior. Fail and you will be exiled to live with the Forsaken."); } if ($text=~/slay many beasts/i) { quest::say("Yes. You will slay or you will be slain. Take this footman's pack and fill it you will. Fill it with [weapons of our foes]. When all are combined, the full footman's pack shall be returned to me along with your militia pike. Do this and earn your footman pike and then we may have a true mission for you."); quest::summonitem(17027); # Item: Footmans Pack } if ($text=~/weapons of our foes/i) { quest::say("Yes. You need to know the weapons required. Fill the pack with javelins. Froglok bounder and goblin hunter javelins. Two of each."); } if ($text=~/footman moglok/i) { quest::say("My dear friend, Warlord Hikyg of the Swamp Gate has encountered some difficulty with a Trooper Moglok. He requested that I find a brave soldier to take charge of the situation. Are you willing to [assist Warlord Hikyg]?"); } if ($text=~/assist warlord hikyg/i) { quest::say("Good. Take this note to Footman Moglok of the swamp garrison. He shall instruct you on your mission."); quest::summonitem(18234); # Item: Sealed Note } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 12430 => 1, 5131 => 1)) { quest::say("Kyg knew you could do it. You will make a fine legionnaire some day but, for now, you shall be a footman. Take the footman pike head plans. Forge the footman's pike. Do so, and then you may have an audience with the War Baron on the subject of his [Memory of Sebilis]."); quest::summonitem(12475); # Item: Footman Head Plans quest::exp(500); quest::faction( 440,2); # Faction: Cabilis Residents quest::faction( 441,2); # Faction: Legion of Cabilis quest::faction( 445,2); # Faction: Scaled Mystics quest::faction( 444,2); # Faction: Swift Tails quest::faction( 442,2); # Faction: Crusaders of Greenmist } #do all other handins first, then let it do disciplines plugin::try_tome_handins(\%itemcount, $class, 'Warrior'); plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } #END of FILE Zone:cabeast ID:1113 -- Drill_Master_Kyg
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022