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Quest_Credit2.pl - Quest File
General Info
Quest File
###Usage: plugin::QCreditAccountCheck("Creditname"); ###This will take into account the whole account of the player sub QCreditAccountCheck { my $CreditName = $_[0]; my $client = plugin::val('$client'); my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $qglobals = plugin::var('qglobals'); my $space = "_"; my $accountid = $client->AccountID(); my $accountname = $client->AccountName(); my $CreditAmnt = $qglobals->{"$CreditName$space$accountid"}; return $CreditAmnt; } ###Usage: plugin::QCreditPull("Creditname", Cost); ###This will take into account the player specifically sub QCreditPull { my $CreditName = $_[0]; my $Cost = $_[1]; my $GiveToPlayer = $_[2]; my $client = plugin::val('$client'); my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $name = plugin::val('$name'); my $zonesn = plugin::val('$zonesn'); my $ulevel = plugin::val('$ulevel'); my $class = plugin::val('$class'); ##################################################### my $qglobals = plugin::var('qglobals'); my $CreditAmnt = $qglobals->{"$CreditName"}; my $ClientID = $client->GetID(); my $CreditAmnt2 = plugin::commify($CreditAmnt - $Cost); if ($CreditAmnt < $Cost){ $client->Message(315,"Insuffient funds... You need " . ($Cost - $CreditAmnt) . " more Platinum pieces."); } else { if($GiveToPlayer == 1){ quest::givecash(0, 0, 0, $Cost); } $CreditAmnt -= $Cost; $client->SetGlobal("$CreditName$space$accountid", "$CreditAmnt", 5, 'F'); $client->Message(315,"[Account Balance] [$name] you have $CreditAmnt2 left on [$accountname]."); plugin::CreditStatusAccountTake("$CreditName", $Cost); $timestamp = localtime(time); my $npc_name = $npc->GetCleanName(); my $accountname1 = $client->AccountName(); quest::write("CreditLogs/$name.txt","[$timestamp] : [$name] [$class] [$ulevel] spent $Cost on $npc_name, this player now has [$CreditAmnt2] in [$accountname1]"); } } ###Usage: plugin::QCreditAccountPull("Creditname", Cost, [1 = Give to Player]); ###This will take into account the whole account of the player sub QCreditAccountPull { my $CreditName = $_[0]; my $Cost = $_[1]; my $GiveToPlayer = $_[2]; my $client = plugin::val('$client'); my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $name = plugin::val('$name'); my $zonesn = plugin::val('$zonesn'); my $ulevel = plugin::val('$ulevel'); my $class = plugin::val('$class'); my $accountid = $client->AccountID(); my $accountname = $client->AccountName(); my $space = "_"; ##################################################### my $qglobals = plugin::var('qglobals'); my $CreditAmnt = $qglobals->{"$CreditName$space$accountid"}; my $ClientID = $client->GetID(); my $CreditAmnt2 = plugin::commify($CreditAmnt - $Cost); if ($CreditAmnt < $Cost){ $client->Message(315,"Insuffient funds... You need " . ($Cost - $CreditAmnt) . " more Platinum pieces."); } else { if($GiveToPlayer == 1){ quest::givecash(0, 0, 0, $Cost); } $CreditAmnt -= $Cost; $client->SetGlobal("$CreditName$space$accountid", "$CreditAmnt", 7, 'F'); $client->Message(315,"[Account Balance] [$name] you have $CreditAmnt2 left on [$accountname]."); plugin::CreditStatusAccountTake("$CreditName", $Cost); $timestamp = localtime(time); my $npc_name = $npc->GetCleanName(); my $accountname1 = $client->AccountName(); quest::write("CreditLogs/$name.txt","[$timestamp] : [$name] [$class] [$ulevel] spent $Cost on $npc_name, this player now has [$CreditAmnt2] in [$accountname1]"); } } ###Usage: plugin::QCreditGive("Creditname", Amount); ###This will take into account the player specifically sub QCreditGive { my $CreditName = $_[0]; my $AddTo = $_[1]; my $client = plugin::val('$client'); my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $name = plugin::val('$name'); my $zonesn = plugin::val('$zonesn'); my $ulevel = plugin::val('$ulevel'); my $class = plugin::val('$class'); ##################################################### my $qglobals = plugin::var('qglobals'); my $CreditAmnt = $qglobals->{"$CreditName"}; my $CreditAmnt2 = plugin::commify($CreditAmnt + $AddTo); my $ClientID = $client->GetID(); $CreditAmnt += $AddTo; $client->SetGlobal("$CreditName$space$accountid", "$CreditAmnt", 5, 'F'); $client->Message(315,"[Account Balance] [$name] you now have $CreditAmnt2 Platinum credit left on [$accountname]."); $timestamp = localtime(time); my $npc_name = $npc->GetCleanName(); my $accountname1 = $client->AccountName(); plugin::CreditStatusGive("$CreditName", $AddTo); quest::write("CreditLogs/$name.txt","[$timestamp] : [$name] given + $AddTo using NPC - $npc_name, this player now has [$CreditAmnt2] in [$accountname1]"); } ###Usage: plugin::QCreditAccountGive("Creditname", Amount); ###This will take into account the whole account of the player sub QCreditAccountGive { my $CreditName = $_[0]; my $AddTo = $_[1]; my $client = plugin::val('$client'); my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $name = plugin::val('$name'); my $zonesn = plugin::val('$zonesn'); my $ulevel = plugin::val('$ulevel'); my $class = plugin::val('$class'); my $accountid = $client->AccountID(); my $accountname = $client->AccountName(); my $space = "_"; ##################################################### my $qglobals = plugin::var('qglobals'); my $CreditAmnt = $qglobals->{"$CreditName$space$accountid"}; my $CreditAmnt2 = plugin::commify($CreditAmnt + $AddTo); my $ClientID = $client->GetID(); $CreditAmnt += $AddTo; $client->SetGlobal("$CreditName$space$accountid", "$CreditAmnt", 7, 'F'); $client->Message(315,"[Account Balance] [$name] you now have $CreditAmnt2 Platinum credit left on [$accountname]."); $timestamp = localtime(time); my $npc_name = $npc->GetCleanName(); my $accountname1 = $client->AccountName(); plugin::CreditStatusAccountGive("$CreditName", $AddTo); quest::write("CreditLogs/$name.txt","[$timestamp] : [$name] given + $AddTo using NPC - $npc_name, this player now has [$CreditAmnt2] in [$accountname1]"); } sub CreditStatusAccount{ my $CreditName = $_[0]; my $TurnOffWindow = $_[1]; #Set to 1 to turn off Window my $client = plugin::val('$client'); my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $name = plugin::val('$name'); my $accountid = $client->AccountID(); my $accountname = $client->AccountName(); my $space = "_"; # Import the reference to qglobals - Must use $qglobals->{name} to access them (Thanks Trevius) my $qglobals = plugin::var('qglobals'); my $CreditAmnt = $qglobals->{"$CreditName$space$accountid"}; my $CreditAmnt2 = plugin::commify($CreditAmnt); my $ClientCheck = plugin::ClientCheck(); my $Center = plugin::PWAutoCenter(27, 2); my $Break = plugin::PWBreak(); my $Indent = plugin::PWIndent(); my $Logo = plugin::ChatWindowBotaLogo(); my $Links = plugin::ChatWindowLinks(); if($UseWindow != 1){ quest::popup("[Account Balance]", " $Logo
Remaining Balance:
$Indent WARNING:
Alternative Advancement
abilities, sometimes your account credit does not synchronize with the server correctly. If you are showing a zero balance, we apologize for the inconvenience as it will reappear in time.
$Links"); } } sub CreditStatusAccountGive{ my $CreditName = $_[0]; my $AddTo = $_[1]; my $TurnOffWindow = $_[2]; #Set to 1 to turn off Window my $client = plugin::val('$client'); my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $name = plugin::val('$name'); my $accountid = $client->AccountID(); my $accountname = $client->AccountName(); my $space = "_"; # Import the reference to qglobals - Must use $qglobals->{name} to access them (Thanks Trevius) my $qglobals = plugin::var('qglobals'); my $CreditAmnt = $qglobals->{"$CreditName$space$accountid"}; my $ClientCheck = plugin::ClientCheck(); my $Center = plugin::PWAutoCenter(27, 2); my $Break = plugin::PWBreak(); my $Indent = plugin::PWIndent(); my $Logo = plugin::ChatWindowBotaLogo(); my $Links = plugin::ChatWindowLinks(); my $Blue = plugin::PWColor("Light Blue"); my $AddToo = plugin::commify($AddTo); my $CreditAmnt2 = plugin::commify($CreditAmnt + $AddTo); my $Plus = "
"; if($UseWindow != 1){ quest::popup("[Account Balance]"," $Logo
$Blue $ClientCheck
Added to Account:
Remaining Balance:
$Indent WARNING:
Alternative Advancement
abilities, sometimes your account credit does not synchronize with the server correctly. If you are showing a zero balance, we apologize for the inconvenience as it will reappear in time.
$Links"); } } sub CreditStatusAccountTake{ my $CreditName = $_[0]; my $Taken = $_[1]; my $TurnOffWindow = $_[2]; #Set to 1 to turn off Window my $client = plugin::val('$client'); my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $name = plugin::val('$name'); my $accountid = $client->AccountID(); my $accountname = $client->AccountName(); my $space = "_"; # Import the reference to qglobals - Must use $qglobals->{name} to access them (Thanks Trevius) my $qglobals = plugin::var('qglobals'); my $CreditAmnt = $qglobals->{"$CreditName$space$accountid"}; my $CreditAmnt2 = plugin::commify($CreditAmnt - $Taken); my $Taken2 = plugin::commify($Taken); my $ClientCheck = plugin::ClientCheck(); my $Center = plugin::PWAutoCenter(27, 2); my $Red = plugin::PWColor("Red"); my $Break = plugin::PWBreak(); my $Indent = plugin::PWIndent(); my $Blue = plugin::PWColor("Light Blue"); my $Logo = plugin::ChatWindowBotaLogo(); my $Links = plugin::ChatWindowLinks(); my $Minus = "
"; if($UseWindow != 1){ quest::popup("[Account Balance]"," $Logo
$Blue $ClientCheck
Taken from Account:
Remaining Balance:
$Indent WARNING:
Alternative Advancement
abilities, sometimes your account credit does not synchronize with the server correctly. If you are showing a zero balance, we apologize for the inconvenience as it will reappear in time.
$Links"); } } return 1;
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022